Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Latest health care deal

AP reports that House Democrats have reached a deal on the health care reform bill.
I have the story posted on the site, on the health page .
which is here

Ive said before on here that I think health care reform is needed. But Im saying now, wait a minute.
They are reforming the insurance industry.
That is not what we started out with, so im not so sure I support it anymore.
Insurance may need some reform, but what we need is health care reform to make it more affordable.
Im not sure that making insurance more affordable will do that.
The story should hit the fan in the a.m., with the dems holding a press conference.
Just thought you all might like to read the story before the a.m. press conference.


  1. Its simply a shame that a country the the size of the USA. With its geographic and demographic diversity. All its educational facilities, and its major progressive business, infrastructure and lifestyle contributions which have brought us into this modern age.
    That they can't see that the major problem facing this Nation is the widening gap between the rich and the poor and the division of the middle class!
    That its demise is due to the lack of reinforcing the values that allowed people to make the own choices be responsible and advance on their own merits!
    That in the end we should choose to submit to the will and decisions of so few!

  2. "That is not what we started out with, so im not so sure I support it anymore."
    Yes. You and a lot of other people. Know what else? Prez. O., Pelosi, Reid & the gang don't tell publicly is that abortion provision paid with taxpayer $$ is hidden in there somewhere. But, I can say honestly: "Don't look at me, I didn't vote for him" Let's all just pray that Prez. O. and his gang of Maoists don't mess up so much that it can't be changed. "Change we can believe in" I don't think so. But, we should not act so surprised. Because he is only doing exactly what he promised. It's just that the man on the street is so dumbed down that he cannot listen. And the so-called media was and is a willing accomplice. Present company excluded. I think.

  3. What JJ, that wasn't the "change" you voted for?

  4. Oh for pete's sake stop picking on people that voted for Obama, its getting really, really, tiresome and rather childish. It doesn't matter who one supports because a person will never agree with everything a president does. I didn't vote for bush, but i did like some the things he did while in office. This is a topic to discuss health care reform, not to make snide remarks.

  5. From Marketwatch article: Decline and fall of the U.S. Dollar.

    Bernanke knows there is no short-term fix for the dollar, just as there's none for U.S. national debt. His best course is the one he's on: focus on economic stability and liquidity and the dollar will take care of itself in a free market. The U.S. is still the home of innovation and free-flowing capital. Ideas and markets will win the day. And the key to a strong dollar is confidence in those ideas and markets.

  6. I saw on the news this morning that there was a 3.5 % increase in imports and exports. Another small sign that the recession is starting to reverse.

    Here's what I've been thinking and its only a theory..say a state like kansas decides to opt out and maybe oklahoma or missouri offers the public option, I wonder how many people just might end up moving to one of those states for health care. In the long run it might cause kansas to lose alot of revenue??

  7. Sounds like CC has buyer's remorse too and she's touchy about it.

  8. Don't listen to them CC, there are always bully's on the play ground. If this all turns out, I am sure they won't be telling everyone that will listen they didn't vote for him. I did vote for him, and I don't care who beats on their chest and makes noise about it. If it turns out Obama is really the big screw up some say, I will be the first to admit it. No buyers remorse here. How can he do anything if the repubs block every move he makes with untruths and wild stories. He CANT be any worse that GW!IMHO

  9. I never stated my opinion one way or another. I'm tired of the childish slams such as "What JJ, that wasn't the "change" you voted for?" Or "obama worshippers" as I've seen before. Its got so old its moldy now.

  10. There is what I think the biggest problem is, just plain old partisan politics.
    It doesnt matter what obama does, the pubs will be all over it. It didnt matter what bush did, the dems were all over it.
    Both of those men could change their every opinion to just the opposite, and it wouldnt matter to either side, it would be the same rhetoric.
    Our nation is not debating health care, its too busy attacking obama.
    The pubs have been vicious in their attacks, but have not given any counter proposals other than to let big business continue to gouge people.
    But, the dems were vicious in their attacks on bush throughout his terms.
    That is the problem.
    We need to get past partisan politics.
    As ive said before, we need more political parties to challenge the status quo.
    We need more choices than just pub or dem, or consevative or liberal.

  11. Sorry JJ,

    The more players you get involved the more things will get stalled through lack of power and no majority.
    The thing that is lacking is still the basic value system! We have gone from a society of responsibility to one of live for today and let tomorrow take care of its self!
    You can't support things that destroy our society and then try to make quick fixes in hopes it will change.
    Government has interfered or intervened in about every aspect of business and personal
    affairs. Often as the result of selfish and unresponsible behaviors or practices!
    You can't expect people who are responsible to want to promote and contribute to destructive behaviors and pratices!

    Governments role should be to level the playing field and work to provide as much opportunity as can be allowed. So that people can advance based on ability and effort. Then to provide a safety net for those who are disadvantaged!

    But, our form of Government should never be used as a means of providing or deciding the fate of its indivdual citizens!

  12. @4:00 p.m. Well said. (IMO)

    When you use the words "public option", you have been hoodwinked. Why don't you call it what it is: GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH INSURANCE They use these words because they are more easily digestible by the public and because most of the public has no idea what they mean.
    It will bankrupt everyone else out of business and force employers to cover their employees with good old Uncle Sam's coverage.

    We've got some of them on video tape saying they want a Socialist type gov't. Some even quoting Mao. (remember Mao, who was responsible for the murder of upwards of 50,000,000 of his own people)

    OK, jj, you are right, I am upset. Not because Prez. O won. I'm upset at what I see being done to my great homeland. Right I'm upset. I could care less if Dem. or Rep. is running the country. Let's just do right by all. The latest offering by Lord Lady Pelosi is about 2000 pages. (Too bad no one will read it) Takes too long, too much trouble, ho-hum. I will read as soon as I can get my hands on it. I will bet you that somewhere in there is buried taxpayer funded abortion. Bet. If people want to do that, let 'em. Just don't force me to subsidize it.

    @CC, don't tell me what to say. It's jj's blog, when I get out of line, he'll speak up. Till then, keep your presumptions to yourself.


  13. I am upset. Not because Prez. O won

  14. CC,

    What, this isn't the kind of "CHANGE" you voted for? Sorry, I just had to go there. DQ was right, this isn't your blog. Go cry on BD's blog.

    CC said: "Here's what I've been thinking and its only a theory..say a state like kansas decides to opt out and maybe oklahoma or missouri offers the public option, I wonder how many people just might end up moving to one of those states for health care. In the long run it might cause kansas to lose alot of revenue??"

    I was with you up until the part about losing revenue.

    What I was thinking is:
    "Just think of all the losers and deadbeats we could be rid of!" Think about it. If Kansas opts out and Oklahoma stays in, all the welfare recipients who want something for nothing (you know.. Obama supporters) might go to where the free goodies are. Imagine the money Kansas would SAVE, and the lower crime rates, and the overall better quality of life we would have. I'm all for it.

  15. Oooo. touche, must a struck a nerve deep down in that child somewhere. Why the need to defend yourself ???

  16. @ anon October 30, 2009 8:40 AM

    Why must you insist that everyone who can't afford insurance is deadbeats? I didn't have insurance for a long time but i still paid all my taxes and did my shopping mainly in kansas. Is that not revenue?

  17. The October 30, 2009 8:41 AM comment I made is to DQ not anon October 30, 2009 8:40 AM, unless you are one in the same.

  18. Nope, sorry. Not one and the same. I know it's a shock that there is more than one person in town who finds liberal whining repulsive.

    I said you should go whine on BD's blog, but I checked, and it looks like it's dead. I guess SG got the last laugh after all. He left and there was no one to argue with.

  19. Well when do you suppose we will ever elect some Public Officals who read their job description in advance!
    Rather than try to re-write it after they get elected!
    I think we need a clause that lets us kick them out early if they don't follow through with their duties, if they are corrupt or maybe in some cases if they just show up for work!
    Oh, and one other big one - if they have been in office too long!

  20. Nope, no liberal whining here, just reading some some posts that are obiviously wrote by some self serving people only. Oh I do have more respect for SG and DQ, no matter their opinion, since they tend to use their names and has more finesse in their arguements. Sorry JJ for arguing on your blog, just tired of snipey remarks.

  21. SG and DQ is no different than anonymous. We ALL know that DQ is NOT his name. Puhlease!

  22. But I still know who I am adressing instead of typing in a date and time. And one does get to know the style of writing. I'm not arguing this no more.
