Monday, October 19, 2009


Good Monday morning. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Turned out really nice weather yesterday. We went exploring a little, but nothing all that interesting.
Im going to try to follow up on the flu story a bit. This is the time for health officials to step up and give us some good information. Hopefully they will.
Ill have to wait a bit on the police notes, but Ill get them up there at some point today.
I hope to start a military page real soon. I would just like to have information about local soldiers, especially those overseas. I have some already. But send me information, as well as photos.
Should be up by midweek.
I also have this new blog on It involves local travel. I would appreciate it if you all would visit there, and subscribe.
Thank you for your support.


  1. Super duper quiet around here....

  2. Sure is
    ok here ya go.
    mell kuhn, hospital , TIFF, Lowes, health care,
    guns, obama,

  3. Ok, you want some conversation?
    I happened to be in a local business establishment in town today! The conversation I overheard was about the code enforcement, violations and fines.
    It seems there was some concern over whether it was being carried too far too fast!
    One person who was apparently from out of town and had just purchased a property in the city said they were all over him about violations.
    His direct comment was - Thats not the way to promote progress!
    Then there was another comment about whether they were being dostributed equally?
    Any takers on that subject?

  4. May not be the way to promote progress but half the buildings downtown are owned by absentee landowners that only have them for a tax break. They have no intention of fixing them up. selling them or even leasing much of them. It means that we are left with an eyesore...if they bought the building they should have known the codes first or at least investigated the issues and bought wisely. The new owners intention may have been honorable but they are stuck with the other owners who intent is to stick it to our city and our residents for their own greed.
