Monday, October 26, 2009

PrairieFest launches poster contest

PrairieFest Festival officials have announced the beginning of the PrairieFest 2010 Graphic Design Contest. The committee is seeking an original logo which will be used to market the event throughout a four-state area. The logo will be used on all PrairieFest posters, tee shirts, brochures and other promotional pieces. The most artful design that best represents PrairieFest will be chosen by a panel of judges, and its creator will be recognized and awarded $100 for the winning design.
The annual contest determines the logo for this long-standing, community arts festival.  This year’s theme is “Prairie Surfin’”.  The 2010 event is scheduled for June 3 through 6 in Paris Park.  Traditionally, PrairieFest takes place the first weekend of June and has been in existence for 46 years. This year’s festival features two and three dimensional art, fine crafts, performing artists, botanicals, culinary arts, an open student exhibit, and interactive children’s activities, and new this year The School of Rock. 
To enable scanning and printing, the colors used on the design must be in solid blocks with no tonal shifts, unless it is computer generated. The prairie coyote used in the official PrairieFest logo must be used somewhere in the design, at the artist’s discretion.  To obtain an image of the coyote, visit
Entries must be submitted on a CD by November 6th to The Arkansas City Area Arts Council, 110 S Summit, Arkansas City. This year’s contest is sponsored by The Cowley College Admissions Office. For further information, call festival co-directors Teressa Swope-Hatfield or Carla Brake at 620-442

1 comment:

  1. The best slogan I heard was a year or so ago.
    "The Arts Council...we're just a little better than you"
