Thursday, October 1, 2009

bypass, circle is open

The bypass is finally open. The traffic circle is in operation. About 11 this morning it seemed to be operating smoothly enough. Im just glad Kansas Ave . is finally open. Ill check on the circle later and see how it is doing. I think once people get used to it they will like it.


  1. Well, if you wanted to be a little mischievious,
    or creative, you could double expose the picture to include a UFO and a sign that says: Welcome to A.C. UFO landing site ahead!

  2. It's so fun - weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. that is the stupidist thing ever. being only one lane around it you have to stop to enter if there is other traffic. its the same if they would have saved millions of dollars and just put in stop signs.

  4. You need to go out there and drive on it.
    Naysayers out of the woodwork already lol.

  5. 10:13pm post made me laugh. It reminds of a story I heard on Paul Harvey. The summary was that (probably got the details all wrong here) NASA had spent a ton of money trying to develop a pen that would write in outer space in the zero gravity.

    Afterwards, some janitor came along and said, Why not just use a pencil?

  6. I always thought the roundabout was a good idea. Its not hard and no big deal. Think about this who don't like it... if you was to get in an accident crossing that intersection before, you would most likely get slammed by a car doing 50mph or better and possibly someone being killed. Now if you are in an accident going aroun the roundabout at 20mph, you are less likely to get hurt or die. Isn't it worth the cost to save some lives or prevent some serious injuries that may ruin ones life? Just something to chew on people.

  7. One more thing for anyone worried about driving it. There are plenty of signs and if you know how to read them, you would have no troubles at all.

  8. Just something to chew on people.


    Well, for the expense I was hoping for something a little more sinister.
    Like a radar operated lasar that just vaporized the offending parties. Then KDOT could just sweep the pile of dust to the side and go on!
    But, then you have to consider that I am just kidding around!

  9. Vaporizing lazers are no laughing matter. My entire village was wiped out by a vaporizing lazer, and I would thank you not to bring it up again.

    Good day!

  10. Btw: There is already alot of rubber on those curbings in the turn areas of the round about!
    I'll bet those truck divers have a few choice words on their CB radios!


    Yes I know its spelled laser!

  11. Most of these posts gave me a laugh. If I didn't know any better I'd say we are healing to the point of being able to laugh together.

    Who was it that said, "Don't take yourself too seriously. No one else does."

  12. Vaporizing lazers are no laughing matter. My entire village was wiped out by a vaporizing lazer, and I would thank you not to bring it up again.


    You type pretty good for a pile of Dust!

  13. I was out gathering wood at the time. I am the last remnant of my people.

  14. I have to ask...

    What happens when the inevitable occurs, and there is a wreck because someone doesn't yield to the person already on the circle? I saw this happen, and the person stopped in time to avoid the idiot coming onto it who failed to yield. But, what do we do when a wreck happens and it is blocking the entire traffic flow through the circle? Do we continue out of the circle and then pull of the road, and then hope the officer can put two and two together by where the damage is on each vehicle, OR do we stay put and back traffic up for a mile or two?
