Tuesday, October 27, 2009

what if bush had done that ?

Interesting column on Politico about the free pass Obama is getting from the Media. They did not treat BUsh this way.



  1. I read that today as well. Nobody is really giving Pres. Obama a hard time, or at least non of the White House approved media is. Seems like they are too worried about reporting on the official White House portait, or who he is playing golf with this weekend.

  2. Or slamming the one news organization that does actually hold his feet to the fire....

    That's what the media is for - to keep those politicians honest...or try to. :-) Not be their best buddy.

  3. But, you have to understand.. Bush was not the Messiah.

  4. Obama is not the Messiah and never has been. What he is? He is a thinker. That is something we havent had in office for a really long time.

  5. He is a thinker.....

    No, he just realised as President he MUST make a decision. He can no longer just vote "present" like he did in the senate.

    Michelle Obama said "he hadn't done anything yet" when asked if Obama should run for President. Biden even made the comment that Obama was not ready to lead during the election.

    It is not the man's race, or party, but his lack of experience and inability to make a hard choice.

  6. I think we're on to something here in Ark City that we should share with the rest of the nation.
    Anonymous for President is our campaign slogan. Anonymous has all the right answers. They shirk all the accountability that comes with putting your NAME on the line. That way they have to show no results or accomplishments just blame, curse, attack and criticize.
    That's why we are such a thriving community.

    All these super wise anonymouses who are keeping the world from going to hell in a hand basket by allowing local plant closures - because they hire "them people" (you know the ones I am talking about) spending millions on a new hospital and bigger schools while saying the citizens can't afford to pay the water bill and then screaming at each other over the internet from dark corners that everyone except anonymous is wrong, corrupt, socialist (or white elitist) and just too plain stupid to listen to ol anonymous in Ark City to get things straight.

    Anonymous of AC for President of the USA in 2012!

    (political ad paid by, who else, anonymous)

    Regardless of the reaction, this was funny. True but really funny.

  7. They said... anomymously.

  8. I agree. Lets put all these Anonymous people in Obamas position and see how well they get things done since they know whats best for this country and the American People. I know I sure don't want the job.

  9. Anonymous people didn't run for president - he wanted the job, now do it and quit whining.

  10. Dear AC President,
    Now we know who to blame for the mess we are in! Keep taking from the rich and poor, the rich are a bit less rich, and the poor can't pay their water bills!

  11. Yeah, but isn't kind of interesting that with all the anonymous posters as well as those who post as who they say they are with no PROOF!
    That no one seems to really agree on anything!
    Maybe Washington is a true refelction of those of the population that they represent!
    Have you ever seen a time in History where there was more time and energy to argue than to get stuff done? (Did you get that more time!)
    AND yet no one really seems to have the real answers to solve anything!
    Seems like they might have to re-evaluate their priorities and Whats important and Whats Not!

    Nope, that will just result in another argument!

  12. *facepalm*

    Yeah, I'd like to.

  13. Maybe Washington is a true refelction of those of the population that they represent!
    Have you ever seen a time in History where there was more time and energy to argue than to get stuff done? (Did you get that more time!)
    AND yet no one really seems to have the real answers to solve anything!
    Seems like they might have to re-evaluate their priorities and Whats important and Whats Not!

    Easy, you got the ones that care about people and the ones that don't and the ones that don't our too worried about keeping their own pockets lines.

  14. Well good point!

    But, at sometime and somewhere somebody has to start asking the tough questions!


    What should America look like in the future?

    There are those who simply want to promote the status quo. Keep things the same and extend things as far as they can on their watch!
    There are others who can see past today and visualize a different and better tomorrow!
    Ex. Our automobiles have reached the point where we have to spend a tremendous amount outside the cost of the vehicle. We are actually subsidizing their existence! In a true free market they would have failed at the point it was too expensive and competition would have found a better solution!
    Its really about where we are putting our money today!
    Over and over you see specific areas that have become mini-monopolies. Alternatives are eliminated by manipulating price, volume and demand!! Then the Government subsidizes them through legislation proposed by lobbyist!
    But, there could be a better tomorrow if we supported things that will bring those ideas and products into reality!

    I'll ask you this:

    If you could get on a bullet train and be in K.C. in say an hour and a half to got to a concert or a ball game or even Christmas shopping. Then be back the same day woud you?
    OR maybe OKC or Dallas?
    Or what if you could commute to another town and work on a daily basis economically and still live here or someone could move here and do the same thing?
    Ask yourself what should America look like tomorrow?
    Who is really holding things Back!

    Will it be better or worse?

    Ask the same thing about healthcare.
    Who is holding us back?

  15. Here is another example:

    I once met someone who lived in the Mississppi River Basin. That area that always floods and has to be rebuilt!
    I asked him why do people rebuild in the same area when they know at some point they will re-live over and over the same event!
    His answer wasn't exactly what I had expected -
    I expected him to say it was their home - he said:
    Those areas are mostly farming and the jobs and the money is in the commerce on the River!
    What would happen if we built more modern transportation systems that allowed for the cheaper and more efficient movement of products and people? Connected communities and allowed businesses and people to locate along those routes.

    Manmade Rivers of Commerce!

    The question you have to ask youself is do you see anyone looking past today?

    One other thing: Its interesting that the common belief is that we are competing with other small cities. When in reality we are really competing with areas! Groups of small cities!

  16. One other thing: I was talking with someone about the Bullet train idea:

    He said his idea would be to make it so you could drive your vehicle on the train and drive it off at the destination!

    Would it work?
