Wednesday, October 21, 2009

flu update

The flu is still around and much of it may be the swine flu.
Local school officials say there are fewer out sick at the high school this week, but more are out sick at the middle school. Exact numbers are not yet available.
At Cowley College there are more students sick. Student affairs director Sue Saia said there are a few more turning up sick every day.
Officials at all schools want students to stay away if they are sick.
At Cowley, students in dormitories who live close enough, are told to go home when they get sick.
Students from other countries, or far away places in the states, are put in "quarantine" rooms while they are sick.

Doctors are not testing for swine flu any more. There is some cost involved in the test. But Doctors are telling people to assume it is the swine flu. They are also telling people to not even come in to visit unless they are really sick.
The swine flu is pandemic, but, with this attitude, we will never know just how pandemic it is.
From what I have read, the swine flu is not any worse than any other flu. People die from all kinds of flu. But , this one does travel faster and is more easily transmitted.
I thought about that last night when I was at the big box store picking up a pack of cough drops for my wife. I went home and washed my hands as fast as I could and made sure I did not touch my face.

So there is a lot of flu out there. There are things you can do to at least lower your chances of getting it.
Wash your hands often.
If you cough, use that new fangled method of putting your face into your elbow, to block it.
If you are sick, think of your neighbors, and stay home.
Be careful in public places.


  1. if you run from fire, you will always be afraid of getting burned

  2. That doesn't mean you should roll in the ashes.

  3. Run for the hills, brace yourself or whatever you plan on doing all, its here!!!!! Seriously, the way some people are acting about it, they worry me. If you are pregnant or previously ill you are excused if you are going to worry. I don't think most the people going to be able to get the shot before it has most of us.

  4. Anyone else around here have people acting totally paranoid and ridiculous over the h1n1 flu??

  5. Yes I have a small child and since it is hitting children harder than normal I am worried. If you don't want to be concerned then don't.

  6. @October 22, 2009 4:24 PM
    You are misunderstanding what I say. Please don't confuse concern and worry with being paranoid, I'm talking about people acting like the germs are seep through the walls and get them type of paranoia. By the way I have a young grandchild that I am concerned about so yes I do concern myself.


    Out of 1000 senior facility residents, none have contracted swine flu. Scientists theorize "Not being raised by germophobic parents who wiped them down with disinfectant wipes every twelve seconds" is a contributing factor
