Monday, October 12, 2009

Insurance feeling heat?

Here is a story in the Washington Post, about a study the insurance industry is releasing today. It tries scare tactics to try to discredit the latest health care proposal.
What if there were no insurance industry?
Maybe we would be better off if there were no middle man making tremendous profits as health care costs go up. Insurance is just an added level of the cash cow that the medical industry is for many people.
Nothing wrong with profit, but when it gets out of hand ...
anyways, here is the story in the post.


  1. You have to have insurance to drive your car it is the law! So why not make a law that requires you to have health insurance and make it affordable so everyone can participate!
    Let the insurance companies compete for your business and require minimum coverage!
    But, there isn't an honest person in this country or maybe even on earth that could resist the temptations that will come with piling all that cash in the hands of a Government run healthcare plan!
    What is so hard about making a law, making it fair so everyone can participate, and making the rules so that everyone understands.
    Then, put some shock collars on the Wolves (Lawyers) who prey on the whole system!

  2. btw: Even then there will have to be programs for the disadvantaged and those who have fewer options. I don't have a problem with taking care of those type situations!

  3. How about let's do away with all types of insurance since insurance companies are bad. No house insurance, no car insurance. Just let the government handle it ALL for us!!!!!

    Why pick on just one branch. And why stop there? What else can we all get for free or reduced???

    I'm sorry, but even when I didn't have health insurance, I didn't expect it given to me.

  4. I'm sorry, but even when I didn't have health insurance, I didn't expect it given to me.


    I agree with your statement. But the fact is that most of the younger people and many of those in good health choose not to have healthcare or find ways to get it through Government Programs.
    At some point it is probably inevitable that everyone will require some type of healthcare!
    Insurance premiums increase with age and often so do options.
    Competition is still the best answer it forces companies to be efficient. Who forces the Government to be efficient?

  5. The days of working for what we want and need are coming to an end. Yay! Communism, here we come!

  6. I just cannot understand the mindset that refuses, or doesnt want, to help anyone who might be in need.
    that is why i am not a conservative.
    (i can tell you why im not a liberal in other posts later)

    On insurance . If you have insurance, and you file a claim, you ARE getting something for nothing, someting you did not pay for. However, if you pay insurance, and do not ever file a claim, you are paying for other people to get something they did not pay for.
    insurance is a gamble plain and simple.
    Now that i think about it, i wonder how conservatives can support the idea of insurance. I mean, if they want to be consistent ....

  7. Competition is still the best answer it forces companies to be efficient.
    Yet you want to give the insurance companies a monopoly, as well as the medical industry.
    Obama wants to add competition, and you are against that.

    Who forces the Government to be efficient?

    Voters, at election time.

  8. Well JJ,

    Why is insurance a necessary evil? Because people and Governments are irresponsible!
    I know people who pay for health insurance and their objective is to get as much back in services as they can - while others just see it as a protection against losing what they already have or their future!
    I personally pay may insurance in full out of pocket and I don't like it - but it is a tax deduction! It keeps going up by 5 yr intervals and then agian with yearly increases!
    But, I can also show you some people who have had spouses that had cancer without insurance that are BK. They can't own anything and in some cases must pay a minimum or have their wages garnished against a bill they might never live long enough to pay.
    So, should we have to pay a little in our early years to help protect us agianst events that might occur later in life?
    You and I know that is not possible for most people today to save! Either because they wouldn't want to save or they simply don't have anything left after each paycheck. Then most are living on money that they haven't even earned. Years in advance through loans and credit cards!
    I really don't have a problem with insurance - as it applies to protecting ourselves, families and even others!
    I do have a problem with the fact that insurance has become a choice of those who can afford it!
    But, if you think the Government will protect you better than you or a private sector business can - they will simply decide for you!
    They will make insurance companies who make denials look like saints!

  9. I dont understand why you trust big business - who is only there to make the most profit possible - and do not trust government - who at least is not supposed to be profit based.
    What is the difference?
    I just dont see what the difference is really.

  10. Yet you want to give the insurance companies a monopoly, as well as the medical industry.


    Well heres the question you need to answer!
    When was the last time you ever heard of an anti-trust law suit in America?
    I think letting companies get too big to fail is kind of what got us here today!
    I just last month had that very discussion with an ATT employee who was telling me about his industry!
    He said the very same thing - they are too BIG!

  11. btw: While your answering that question. Ask yourself who is favoring BIG Business that eliminates competition by funding or regulation.
    If it looks like a DUCK its probably Government.
    You really want to trust those BUZZARDS that won't give you the same HEALTHCARE PLAN THEY HAVE IN WASHINGTON?????
    They have BUY ME written all over them!

  12. Why should we care about how big they get?

    If you missed out on all that crap that just took place with the bailouts of the Banks and Auto Industry. The damage that was inflicted on American economy by a few HUGE companies!
    There is no hope!

  13. You dont trust government, but you do trust big business. hmmmmm

  14. You dont trust government, but you do trust big business


    I don't think you got the connection at all!
    It is Government that let them or help them become Monopolies in the first place!
    Now you want those same poeple to save our A$$!

  15. jj - I just cannot understand the mindset that refuses, or doesnt want, to help anyone who might be in need.
    that is why i am not a conservative.
    (i can tell you why im not a liberal in other posts later)
    Ok, first off, I do give to charity --So that statement is flat out false. But I like to choose where my money goes to, I don't like the government deciding that for me. And might I add, that you are sterotyping Conseravatives. Isn't that wrong? I'm almost offended :-)

    jj - On insurance . If you have insurance, and you file a claim, you ARE getting something for nothing, someting you did not pay for.
    NOT TRUE, it's called an insurance premium. I do pay for it. Do you know what insurance is? You buy it in case of an expensive unforseen event. So it is not given to me. Really, I'm not sure regular Dr. visits should even realy fall into this category.

    Have you ever had a car accident? It works the same way. And you right, insurance is a gamble. The insurance companies are gambling that we won't ever need it or if we do, our premiums out weigh their costs. This isn't new people. Why isn't car insurance just as bad as health insurance? Lets see some consistency on your side as well.

    And as far as big business being evil? Small business tries to make the most profit they can make as well -- so I guess all business is evil. Aren't we all evil, money hungry people! We all have too much and don't deserve it!! Seriously, where do you draw the line? Are you against Capitalism too JJ?

  16. Note to self - DO NOT LET MY BUSINESS BECOME SUCCESSFUL OR YOU WILL BE HATED BY THE MASSES!! YOU WILL BE EVIL!!!!!(unless your a liberal, because then and only then is it ok to be rich an successful)

    Exactly how do I know when to stop????? I should just stop now and give it all away.......before it's too late!!

    (accompanied by spooky halloween music and fog)

  17. You are saying that government is evil (so why do you still live in america?)
    and you are saying big business is good.
    Im only asking why you come to that conclusion?
    why is government evil ? and why is big business good?
    why do you think either has your interests at heart?

  18. I think it's a "lesser of two evils" thing myself. We pay insurance premiums in case an accident (car insurance) or medical emergency occurs. That way we don't have to pay for an out of pocket medical claim that would leave us bankrupt. Trust me, I have been there. Without medical insurance, I would be destitute.

    The insurance companies do many good things as well. Car insurance companies have been behind many advancements in car safety, and more importantly, medical insurance and drug companies in particular, fund research and development of new drugs. Without that, who will work to cure illness? The government? Because all the smartest people work there, right?!

  19. Once again my friend, I never said that government was evil. You assume that because I do not believe all insurance and big business to be evil? Are some of them corrupt? Yes. Is big businesses necessary for America – why yes it is! Are some of our government officials corrupt?. Yes of course they are. Just because I’m not for the government making all of our decisions doesn’t mean I think our government is evil.

    I live in America because I love her. This is my home. I love Freedom, I love Liberty, I love the persuit of happiness, I love Capitalism, I love being able to discuss differences and MAKE MY OWN CHOICES.

    I believe in America. But I don’t believe in Socialism and those who are against Capitalism lean toward Socialism.

    Why do I need big business to have my best interest at heart? I really don't. The government interest is the one I have to worry about. It’s the one that can tax me and change my freedoms. It has the control.

  20. You are saying that government is evil (so why do you still live in america?)
    and you are saying big business is good.


    You really don't get it JJ!
    Government has a very limited role - it was never meant to compete in the private sector.
    Only to regulate the competition and try to make it as level of playing field as possible for all parties!
    Through de-regulation they have allowed companies to become monopolies! Eliminating the very competition that would result in needed answers and new innovations that has always put America first in the World.
    They need to break up those huge monsters as they themselves are a threat to stability!
    THEN and here is the thing you should consider at your age! You are playing right into their hands regarding your future welfare. IMHO
    Those who will be hailed as Saviors today will not be in place to administer to the needs of those in the future!
    What if they simply decide you have had a good life and should go qiuetly into the night to make way for someone younger!

  21. One more thing - remember Enron and the Internet Bubble bust - that was a warning shot fired across our bow. That was all about de-regulation and allowing companies to cross lines and interfere in unrelated business sectors!

  22. im just not buying that government is the root of all evil :)
    you said yourself, the enron mess was caused by de-regulation.
    Capitalism is great, but there needs to be some oversight, some rules to follow.

  23. Wow...way some these people are carrying on, I'm surprised they aren't trying to overthrow the government run insurance program for children next. We're taking care the young, we're taking care the elderly but it looks more and more Americans doesn't give 2 cents about the health of all those in between. Same story over and over. I supppose people might be thinking a little different if they do what I do for a living and see what a lack of insurance in those years has cost them in their "golden years" that aren't so golden. The pain some of them live in because they couldn't afford that surgery before it was too late. Maybe medicare expenses wouldn't be so out of control if people could get the help before its too late.

  24. Your right CC. We need health care reform. I don't discount that. But alot of this health care bill and expense I don't agree with.

    Redistribution of wealth is the same no matter what you call it or dress it up as. And if it makes our health care system worse, as it has in other countries -- what have we solved? We aren't all just heartless jerks as you would like to paint us. Just concerned citizens. I don't follow Obama blindly. I won't apologize for that.

  25. Well, it passed the Senate finance committe. It won't be long now. I hope they hurry, because I have a fetus I need to abort, and I want all you conservatives to pay for it. It's the third one this year.

  26. Third one this year, sounds like the kind of girl I would like to meet.

  27. No surprise that it passed, but I guess the one republican voting for it was a big deal.
    This was just a preliminary.
    Now the real game begins.

  28. Yeah, now JJ can have insurance again. Well in like 3 years. What are you going to do until then?

  29. 2010 - will be the next big CHANGE of power then. By Harry.

  30. You need to read JimJubaks Journal Article today on the healthcare bill.

    Profit from Health Reform Flaws

    He is an economist and has a unique perspective.

    here is just one paragraph:

    No wonder, then, that diabetes is one of the fastest-growing diseases in the United States. From 1996 to 2003, the number of U.S. adults with diabetes climbed to 13.7 million from 9.9 million, according to the Department of Health and Human Services' Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

    In those same years, the annual cost of treating a person with diabetes soared to $1,714 from $1,299. Do the math: The bill for this disease was $23.5 billion in 2003, up from $12.9 billion in 1996. That's an increase big enough to eat up health care reform's projected savings of $81 billion over 10 years.

  31. I think there bill is smoke and mirrors!

    BTW: Jubaks Journal is on MSN.COM

  32. and just in case you didn't want to read the article here is the rest of that sequence:

    And the diabetes problem has gotten worse since 2003. The American Diabetes Association now estimates there are 17.9 million people in the United States with diagnosed diabetes. (An additional 5.7 million, the association says, are undiagnosed.)

    That's just one example of the massive externalities affecting health care. You can, I'm sure, come up with others.

  33. AND

    They want to squeeze all the profit out of doctors, hospitals, medical device supplies etc.
    Then take money from medicare.


    Not one sentence or hint of limiting the amount Lawyers can make on lwasuits! (Tort Reform)

    You will call them Saviors they will want you to call them Master!

  34. "We're taking care the young, we're taking care the elderly but it looks more and more Americans doesn't give 2 cents about the health of all those in between."


    You left out the fact that we are already taking care of the people who can't work, for reasons of mental or physical disability, AND you left out that our hospitals are not allowed to turn away ANYONE simply because they cannot pay. The people I don't want to support with my tax dollars are the ones who are too lazy to get a job. The ones who expect everyone else to pay their way through life. You know.. Democrats.

  35. Alot of people can't get on disability, alot of people do work, alot of single parents working several jobs to make ends meet, but then everyone screaming about the parents when they aren't at home to watch their kids. Then we wonder whats wrong with are kids today. Vicious circle, isn't it. More people then not are working and still don't have money for insurance. Why are you assuming that anyone that wants an opportunity for affordable insurance are freeloaders? Yeah, unfortunately there are going to be a some, but some of us dems care about others instead of ourselves.

  36. Well, if you haven't read the news today! The Democrats are working to do damage control!
    They are working to consol the Unions who are afraid their "Top of the line Helathcare plans" are in jeaprody. The Doctors who feel they are already undepaid on medicare and the Insurance Companies who are seen as Demonic.
    By the time they get through it won't be that much diferent from today!
    But, in the end it is the Private Sector Businesses that have the answers and solutions!
    Not the Government!
    When it comes to things like the epidemic in Diabetes. Which is the result of a genetic and diatery combination. I thought our overall goal was to cure diseases! Staistics don't show thats working!
    Maybe we already know alot of it is about personal choices! We just want someone else to make those choices for us!

  37. btw:

    I could have said Fat, Lazy, and Spoiled Americans!

    But, I didn't - well maybe I just did!


    Food addiction is still an addiction!

  38. But, in the end it is the Private Sector Businesses that have the answers and solutions!
    Not the Government!
    Thats the mantra of conservatives. Yet they want to run the governemnt.
    Ok, what proof is there .. i mean actual stastistical proof that the private sector is good and that government is evil.
    Its easy to say the government cant run anything.
    where's the beef ? :)

  39. Would a private sector include the drug companies? I know they don't always have our best interest at heart, take a good look a vioxx.

  40. Ummm, social security to start?
