Monday, October 12, 2009


Good morning everyone.
cop notes are posted. More updates coming later today .. this morning I hope.


  1. I assume Charles Jennings II is Reverend's son.

    I am not passing judgement.

  2. Ah, the pitfalls of naming your kid Junior.

  3. I am not passing judgement

    So what was your point?

  4. Preacher's kids are always the worst.

  5. Actually around here quite a few are pretty bad.

  6. I am not passing judgement

    So what was your point?

    Everyone makes mistakes. I do not know the specifics of the case.

  7. jj. 6 comments so far on here and all about 1 person's son. Question: Did this posting of "cop notes" help the community? I ask the question. I notice most of the MOST vocal people for posting them choose to remain anonymous. hmmm. Just askin'

  8. I'll remain anonymous - as I assume 99% of people will. I have no vested interest in this case - My interest is in the people commenting.

    If YOUR family member had been arrested, you'd be crying and pissing all over yourselves "ZOMG PLZ TAYK MAH KIDZ NAMEZ DOWN!!11!1OMG!!ELEVENTY" LOL

    This is a perfect example of exactly why Arkansas City is pathetic - because ppl like u all live here and think what ur doing is "Gr8 n ExCitn!!!11"

    Really, this didn't help anyone at all - and why the blogger continues to post them is beyond me. I think I'll continue reading this once every 6 or 10 months as I have before.

    Really. Pathetic.

    The Least you could do is require commenters to attach a blog name, register, or type their own name to post.

  9. And why is that? So you can hunt them down and get arrested yourself?

  10. Funny how you call for no anon posts -- but you yourself post anon.

    Is it hard to choke on that hypocrisy? PLEASE.

  11. I simply used the tools that you all use and love everyday - when you gossip and backbite, and verbally rip apart families of INNOCENT (until proven guilty) people in this community.

    Like it or not, Arkansas City is pathetic, and so are the rest of you who sit around reducing good families and good people in this community to yet another topic for fodder.

    If it helps you, you can refer to me as Cathy Communicator - I live at 123 Anywhere Street, and I'm better than you.

    If you don't like my being anonymous, ask the blog owner to rescind his anonymous option on his posts. :-)

    Have a nice day.

  12. "Like it or not, Arkansas City is pathetic, and so are the rest of you who sit around reducing good families and good people in this community to yet another topic for fodder."

    Then why are you here? Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Need any help packing?

    JJ, keep on posting those names. Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.

  13. It will be in the traveler in the next couple days. As it should be.

  14. Struck a nerve with Cathy. Maybe Cathy should take it up with jr. instead of lashing out at us in anger.

    I never understand why when people break the law, relatives or even the accused are upset that it is public record. There is a great way to avoid this scenerio -- don't break the law!! I know that should be common sense -- but really. Like people aren't talking about it that aren't on here. Yeah, I'm sure this would be the only place that gossip takes place. It doesn't make Ark City that bad -- it makes it a normal town in small town America or anywhere for that matter. Gossip isn't just a small town problem. But that's what happens when you or your family is in the public eye -- just ask Sarah Palin. Maybe now you could have some sympathy for her? But I'm guessing not.

  15. God has his way of getting the glory. It seems that the up until now I have received several non-flattering monickers from those who despise me.

    Now, I am viewed as the reverend, the preacher. Jesus said, And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, shall draw all men unto me.

    He said this just before his critics crucified Him. Their own hatred is the reason His nam is so great in all the earth now. Because I continue to proclaim Him as Lord of Lord, Christ is esteemed in my life through the same antipathy of the Roman leaders who crucified the Savior.

    To God be the glory for the things He hath done!!

  16. Basically what Charles is telling you people, say what you want, but his faith and spirituality carries him through and above the gossip and whatever else life will throw at him. At least that my opinion.

  17. Cathy here! Hey kiddos - I'm back again for the third time. Actually, I've lived in a very large metropolitan area for many years and have just recently moved into Kansas.

    No other major newspaper posts names in police notes - and truthfully, too many people are *GASP* OUTSIDE DOING SOMETHING to bother to read them anyway.

    Has nothing to do with my (un)vested interest in the case, I don't know them, nor am I related to them - I simply read this blog now and then (mostly then) and I saw what you people were doing to an inncoent man's name and family.

    It's pathetic, as I said yesterday. Now, check it out homos, I've got a job, and a life, and I go outside to see real ppl everyday, so I'm gonna go ahead and get outta here! Ya'll have a nice day though, losers

    LAWL!!!11ELEVENTY Keep on keepin on with the crucifixion of innocent ppl you know nothing about while you hang out on ur computer chairz w/ ur p0ppiCArn Ch1pz!!1


    XOXO Cathah.

  18. "I never understand why when people break the law, relatives or even the accused are upset that it is public record."

    No, I'm not upset, really, I just think it's behavior (the publishing of names) that's not helpful. That's all. I want A.C. to be a better place. Are we making it better by putting our friends & our neighbors dirty laundry out? I think not. Or are we feeding some baser, prurient need? It's bordering on being a voyeur. HEY! Certainly if something is a danger to the community at large it will already be on the front page of brand x anyway.
    You call yourself a law abiding citizen. yes, you are. But, you enjoy feeding off the bottom... I hope you're not my neighbor.

  19. Brand-x runs the names.
    when i was there i made no exceptions.
    your objection would carry more weight if it had a name attached :)

  20. I think this "Cathy" person must be a 12 year old girl.

    Who else calls people "Homo" and "loser" to try to make a point?

  21. LAWL!!!11ELEVENTY Keep on keepin on with the crucifixion of innocent ppl you know nothing about while you hang out on ur computer chairz w/ ur p0ppiCArn Ch1pz!!1


    XOXO Cathah.


    I think there is a cat walking on her keyboard or something. Who talks like that except little kids who text constantly? Makes me take her POV seriously. NOT!

  22. yea, 12 might be giving her more credit than she deserves,
    its not innocent people who are in cop notes ... they are there because they are NOT innocent, in most cases.

  23. HEY! Certainly if something is a danger to the community at large it will already be on the front page of brand x anyway.
    I'm sorry, but DUI is a danger to the public -- so if you don't want your name in the paper, behave. I mean really, how hard is it?

    Cathah, (or her family) I'm guessing has been in the paper at some point also. Do I belive she does't have a vested interest? Uh, no.

  24. Yea it really isnt that hard to not get in trouble.
    I mean ... the cops are not going to find an open container of alcohol in my car, they are not going to find drugs, or any other illegal substance. Its just not that hard to avoid.
    Im not perfect by any means, but I dont think its that hard to stay out of trouble with the law.
    If you don't do the stuff ... you dont have to worry about getting caught. :)

  25. I had always thought our laws leaned towards "innocent until proven guilty", that would be in a court of law of course...not in public opinion...He hasn't had his day in court yet...will we read about the outcome of that day in the records?...Probably not.... I find it sad that of all the names on the list that day the Jennings name was the one that was singled out.
    Charles, if you read this I am so sorry for the comments that have been made about your family member. You have the right attitude and accept the things you can't change, and change the things within your power to change. Keep your faith, this too shall pass.

  26. I have been bothered by the fact that we dont see the results eventually.
    Getting results from the local court system is very tedious and difficult.
    It is available, But .. you have to know the case number .. and they wont tell you how to figure that out because you have to have the case number before they will tell you anything.
    Or you have to know the date of the court appearance. If you have the date and the name, then you can get a case number ... but whether its the right case number, no one knows.
    THEN, if you can figure that out without their help, you can go to their computer.
    There is just one. its pretty old. The software is hard to figure out. You have to figure it out on your own.
    You punch in the case number, and what you get is very hard to read. You need to have a law degree to know how to read it.
    Ive tried more than once.
    It is not designed to give out information.
    I dont know why that system is so non-user-friendly.

  27. I guess the innocent could always write a letter to the editor or put a caption in the paper? But then again, the people that matter would know if I was innocent or not.

    Usually on DUI, you take a breathalyzer, if you fail -- hard to get deny that one. If you protest and won't take the breathalyzer -- then you are considered guilty. Anyone know statistics on how often those are wrong?

  28. I'm not a 12 year old girl, I'm actually a 62 year old man who likes long walks on the beach and reading books from the library. Really.

    Who cares what I am - even the blog owner (who I assume will begin being a HOMO and deleting my comments) said my comments do not carry any weight. -shrug- "ELEVENTY"

    You people are idiots - and I'm going to tell you why, Rite Nao! (right now, for the uninformed). Our government says we are "Innocent until proven guilty" - Yet you dickwads have sat here for how long picking apart ONE person, their family, and even their father's vocation - "Preachers Kids are the worst."

    The worst at what? Do you know for a fact he is guilty of anything? You most sartainleh du nt, sar! O.o U DU NT! Do you know that he is "The worst?" O.o U DU NT, SAR! U DUN KNO! LAWL Do you people know ANYTHING about these ppl except their names?

    And for the blog owner - really? It's easy to stay out of trouble? So uv basically convicted the man of what? JJ'z LAWzNRulz Homiez!!1ELEVENTY? Really? Who are you to say someone did this or didn't do that?

    You ppl, and ppl like you, are the reason Arkansas City sux and will continue to do so. Get a hobby and make ur life interesting - maybe that'll keep u from needing to entertain urself by gossiping and acting like big, fat, sweaty, hairy, disgusting cats. CATZ AH SEZ! UR ALL CATZ!

    -<3 4eva,

  29. OK, now I'm convinced the Cathehaahhaahahahhah
    has been in the police notes before.

    So glad to have her new perspective in our town. Very, very colorful personality?????

  30. this catheh person is the only one causing trouble in this threat.
    she - he - it is the one doing all the complaining, then complains about the complaining.
    maybe if she could decide if she is a he or if he is a she ...

  31. @jj.October 13, 2009 2:49 P.M.

    sorry, jj. not buying it. that's a cheap excuse. If you are willing to post someone's name who MAY NOT be guilty, then you should be willing to follow it to it's conclusion & give the outcome. Too much WORK, too much TROUBLE, you say...hmmm.

  32. to 4:51 I think the whole notion that 'catheh' as you choose to call, he or she, in the problem, is totally idiotic. 'catheh' never came into the picture until 'after' the accusations had been made. Sad, sad, sad......

    I too feel I must apologize for good ol' Accusatory City'. The place that tells is like it sees it. People... GO GET SOME GLASSES...

  33. just exactly what was the accusation?

  34. Catheh, or whatever,

    Are you off your meds? Do you really expect anyone to take your nonsense seriously when you talk like a 12 year old and call people vile names? I'm sure your contributions to society are incredible, and you have every right to look down on this entire city, as you say in your posts (what I could decipher of them... I left my Retard-to-English dictionary in my other pants) but no one will ever take you seriously when you go on like that. Besides, isn't it a school night? Don't you have homework to do?

  35. Ah Chuz 2 Spayk lyK dis S0o yalz cn unnastan meh!1eleventy.

    The accusations were made long before I came to find this blog and flame u ppl for fun. Really.

    My single point - which many of you einsteinz have chosen to ignore is this: who are YOU to say what did or did not happen? Who are YOU to talk about an entire family for what you THINK might have happened? and lastly, who are YOU to say someone is guilty simply because their name showed up in a police note?

    The funniest part of all this to me is: Those of you who purport the "good" this "names in the police notes" thing haven't yet posted UR names in here, yet you continue to eschew the goodness of "public and open" policies.

    Really, I'm simply a man who decided that some of you needed a wake-up call. It's 6a.m., do you know where your mind is?

    Have a great day with your couch and potato chips and exciting city gossip. :-)

    By the way, Homo is short for homosexual - which isn't a vile name but a sexual preference. Idiot is a widely acceptable term to use in reference to a person lacking common sense and good decision making abilities. Pathetic... well, that's what it is.

    Good day to you, ladies and germs!

  36. Sadly Cathaahaha it goes with being in the public eye. Like I mentioned before ask Sarah Palin and her family about that. Thing is, none of them broke the law or should I say, was accused of breaking the law. The national media is relentless with the Palin's and sadly no one sticks up for them at all.

    You can't police the blogs. It is a place to discuss ideas and even local gossip apparently. Good or bad - it is a freedom in America. The accused would also have the freedom to defend oneself if desired.

  37. No one said anyone was guilty of anything.
    Just about anyone beyond say third grade knows that just because your name might be in the police notes . does not mean you did anything.
    some people just need to learn how to make a point ..

  38. JJ, it's obvious to me that said person is what's known as a flamer. Just here to rile people up. They probably just found your blog by accident, and have no ties to AC. I say delete them and/or ignore them and they will go away. WTH does "eleventy" even mean? They seem very fond of that. I'm thinking maybe it's the score from their last IQ test.

  39. JJ! You post that it's not that hard to not get into trouble.

    Then you mention open container, which was not the case here, but you bring that into play by mentioning it.

    Then you mention drugs also not in play....

    THEN you say that "its not innocent people who are in cop notes ... they are there because they are NOT innocent, in most cases".

    We the readers need to remember that this is not a news source this is an opinion blog. Facts are not relevent here.

    Many cases are dropped after the headlines but don't let facts and research, get in the way of your good slamming, misdirection, imput from you.

    You mentioned that this family member is a very good friend of yours, well with friends like you who needs enemies.

  40. Geez people - JJ isn't the one who got in trouble here. Everyone gets that it is police notes ok? We all understand how that works.

    I think your anger is a little misdirected. Maybe you should volunteer to be a DD next time huh? And then you wouldn't have to come on and complain about someone's DUI in the paper. But people who do wrong always blame someone else -- it's easier that way. I think our society just loves to blame someone else, why not -- even the President does it.

  41. Have you seen the Jim Carrey movie - Liar, Liar where he says...

    "Quit breaking the law A-hole!!!"
