Monday, October 26, 2009

Good Monday Morning

Hello everyone.
I dont have the police notes yet, Soon as I get them, I will post them.
Its Arkalalah week.
What plans do you have for the week.
A lot of people are working on floats at the Agri-Business building, getting ready for the parades. First one is Wednesday night.
Is the food your favorite part of ARkalalah. What is your favorite part?

The flu crisis seems to have passed. Im sure its still around, and a lot of people are sick. I really think the swine flu things is being over-hyped. It is not worse than any other kind of flu. This time of year you need to be careful and protect yourself, swine flu or whatever kind of flu there is.

Wonder what hot topic will emerge this week?
Who makes the best funnel cakes?


  1. wednesday night parade. oh, yes so much food, so little dime. yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIET? WHAT DIET. d.

  2. darn. meant time not dime. d. or maybe dime is right!

  3. How's this - form Yahoo a few minutes ago:

    Majority Leader Harry Reid says health care legislation headed to the Senate floor will include an option for government-run insurance. Reid says states will have the prerogative of opting out of the program if they choose.

    Reid noted that polls show widespread public support for giving the government a role in the overhauled health care system envisioned by President Barack Obama and his allies in Congress.

    Gee, from Harry, Nancy, Barack and their allies?

    What about the rest of the country?

    AND Yes the States can opt out but what about their residents?

    AND hows it going to work if your State opts out and your taxes go to pay for some other States healthcare?

    It just gets better!

  4. btw: I think we might as well turn healthcare over to Wal Mart!

  5. I think Wal Mart could handle it better than our government especially since they make a profit. They are doing something right even if we all don't agree with them running the small guy out of towns. I vote for giving health care to Wal Mart.

  6. I've heard on Good morning america and other shows that the public is supporting a public option, but most of those that support it thinks their should be income limits. Which I fully agree with.

  7. JJ, I don't think were past the flu crisis, only a brief lull. Its still going around plenty.

  8. Yes CC, I didnt mean to say it was over, just that there seem to be fewer cases at the moment.
    Its not the "real" flu season yet.
    So everyone needs to remain careful.
    There has been a lot of hype about swine flu.
    But the regular flu - or the other kinds of flu - are just as bad and just as deadly at times.
    So be careful out there.
    But panicky is propbably not the best way to go either :)

  9. No panic here, just being extra cautious. I think people are panicking over this more since its the kids that are so vulunerable. I read on my phone this morning about a kid that was from kansas went on a school trip in Indiana(?) and collapsed from the flu and later died. Of course had a previous heart condition. But how sad for those parents, especially if they weren't there at the time.
