Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Police drop drug charges against woman

Rookie officer's errors lead to dropped charge

By Shane Farley

    Errors made by an Arkansas City police officer have led police chief Sean Wallace to ask that a drug charge be dropped against a woman arrested in connection with an incident this summer, police and court officials acknowledged Tuesday.
    Police would not identify the 50-year-old woman by name but said she was arrested last Wednesday on a possession of cocaine warrant. A person claiming to be a family member of the woman, brought the issue to the attention of reporters during NewsCow's Friday Live



  1. I just read the woman's account of what happened on Newscow's site, and while you always have to take the suspect's story with a grain of salt, the fact that the drugs were found after another shift had already used the car should have been a red flag to the officers that no charges should be filed. Even if they had an idea who might have left it, it was a wash after the officer failed to search the car at the end of the shift. And if anyone else had been in the backseat before the shift was over, that blows the whole case right there.

    This is not the first time one of those officer's names has come up in regards to shoddy work.

  2. If she was guilty, they'll be watching her. It won't be long before she messes up again.

  3. And if the officer is sloppy it won't be long for this to happen again.

  4. What I don't understand is this: The County Attorney said the drugs were found after another officer used the car for an entire shift and then searched it at the end of the shift.

    BUT, Officers are supposed to search at the beginning of their shift as well as the end. Why didn't the first officer search at the end of the shift? Why didn't the second officer search at the beginning of their shift? I guess the only answer is they both screwed up.

    At that point, you should forget about pressing any kind of charges even if drugs are found.

  5. My question is... If she was awakened and her husband was telling her that the cops were there why would she have the drugs on her in the first place. From a common sense point I think a druggie would dispose of the drugs BEFORE they walked out of the bedroom door and into the police car.

  6. Maybe they should search after any person is in the car. Now that would be the only realistic way to narrow it down when something is found.

  7. This was extremely poor judgement from the officers to pursue charges after they knew they both had not searched their car before and after the shift.Searching a car is such menial work, but if you don't do it, it can bite you in the butt! Lesson learned, at who's expense? The officers for not searching the vehicle, the department for releasing too much information to the media on the inital arrest, and of course the lady for just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  8. If she was "guilty"...why in the world would she go public with her story? If I was guilty I would be like....whooo, got away with that..and then I would lay low! She is not guilty of this ridiculous charge and want the city to know what is going on in this police department! Police are only human..they make mistakes..I understand that, but own up to them damn it!

  9. why wasn't a warrant shown? paper work, anything? I think cops here just do what they want when they want, I lost faith. Cops are human too, why can't they just admit a mistake? What kind of Chief do we have here?

  10. I took the press release yesterday as an admission of a mistake.

  11. Well, they obviously admitted the mistake, or you wouldn't be hearing about it.

    And to the poster @ 9:22 AM, you missed something. When the cops showed up with the warrant, it was several weeks after the initial incident when she was placed in the car. That was during some kind of family disturbance and there were no charges filed on that incident. It wasn't until later that some other officer found some drugs in his car and they tried to narrow down who left them. Which, of course, they would have known if they'd searched after every time someone was placed in the back seat, which is the way it should happen.

  12. James Jordan: I agree to an extent..it was an admission of a mistake, but they are not telling the whole truth about what the mistake was! Thats the problem. They are making it like she IS guilty of this..but since the "rookie" officer didn't do something right out in the field..we will drop the charges. That "rookie" officer wasn't alone that day, he had a very experienced officer with him, in the same car. The car was not checked by there own admission for at least 24 hours...after it was used on another shift! So, you just grab this woman's name out of the air..she must be the one that stashed the drugs? Although when the Captain of the ACPD contacted her...he told her the car had not been checked for 7 days! That is why is was dropped, not because the "rookie" screw something up that day.

  13. I took the press release yesterday as them trying to sugarcoat it. a mistake was made, own it!

  14. Not to mention..this incident with the family disturbance happened on August 2nd, the police show up and arrest her October 14th??? and then say they were unable to contact her to discuss what they had discovered in the back seat? She lives on summit the same place she lived on August 2nd! They were sure able to find her on the night of her arrest. Hmmmmm...

  15. Yeah your human! You screwed up..its okay! Just own up to it!! Geez!

  16. The guilty always scream the loudest! There is not a guilty person in jail, just ask them!

  17. A guilty person isn't going to stir the pot if they left cocaine in a cop car and the charges were DROPPED!! HELLO!!!

  18. Yeah..the guilty that are CHARGED with the crime ALWAYS scream the loudest..but, not a person that had ALL CHARGES DROPPED!! If you were guilty of a crime, but got all charges dropped..you would just go away..and be like Yayyyy got away with that! An innocent person that is charged with a crime that they DID NOT DO..that who you are going to hear from! Pretty stressful to have officers show up at your door and arrest you for such a serious charge..that you had no part of!! Traumatizing!

  19. methinks we ain't heard the last of this. d.

  20. we are all inocent untill proven guilty, however you like or disslike the facts, its your own mind that designs an opinon from what you read and that fact alone is a judgement of your mentality

  21. we are all inocent untill proven guilty, EXACTLY! I couldn't agree more. Even the cops should be judged as innocent until proven they had some intent to do harm! They made a mistake and corrected it. A lesser department would have pushed it all the way!

  22. Seems to me the Scott lady is causing all her own trauma and drama! The police recognized their mistake and did what they could to lessen the disruption to her. They apologized and admitted their mistake. She is the one screaming and threatning to make the police pay. Which in turn makes us all pay. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, we are judged on how we handle those bad things. I have respect for the police to admit and correct. For the Scott lady, all she wants is paid!

  23. You KNOW, if there wasn't already a drug problem today! This would simply have never happened the way it did Right or Wrong!

  24. brand x says the car was not used on another shift. was in garage all night. hmmmmmmmm! wonder what the true story is. d.

  25. What I would like to know is, Why didn't the PD give the person whos home was being searched a copy of the search warrant? Aren't you supposed to leave a copy of a search warrant in the home during and after being searched? Just curious? Could that have been mistake #2?

  26. "You KNOW, if there wasn't already a drug problem today! This would simply have never happened the way it did Right or Wrong!"

    Oh yeah, because there wasn't a problem with drugs 50 years ago. or 100, or 200. Back in the 20's and 30's, most of what constitutes illegal drugs today was available over the counter of your neighborhood drug store. Without a perscription. Heroin was sold in bottles by Bayer (the aspirin people).

    Drugs are not new. Weak people have always abused what nature has given them.

  27. for the one that says all the Scott lady wants is paid...lmao. there are so many of you out there that want to kiss the police departments azz you will say anything or god forbid you may think you have to pay a dollar. The Scott lady isn't after money so don't have a stroke. she wants what is right. She is not causing any of the drama, if they would have kept their mouths shut and not went on record neither would she have!! She wanted to defend herself. But I guess you would have just cowarded in a corner.

  28. So, are illegal drugs a threat to innocent people?

    Yes or No!

  29. It was an arrest warrant not a search warrant. Two differant things copies and inventory of items siezed during search warrant. Arrest warrant is just a free ride to the pokey!

  30. @4:41 WRONG. They made a mistake and they botched it. NEVER should have gone to the woman's house. i.e. "The warrant's at the station" ha. They tried to wash it away. Note: "It won't be reported to the media" Gimme a break. (translation: let's just push this under the rug) I happen to know Mrs. Scott, and can say Mrs. Scott does NOT use drugs. She went to the news because she values her reputation that was about to be tarnished by shoddy police work. Any person worth their salt when backed in a corner will come out swinging.
    There is a word to describe this mess...lemme see...(it's coming to me) Oh yeah that's it. LAWSUIT.

  31. James Jordan, I have just one question maybe you can answer. Why can't we know the names of the Officer(s) who are involved? Is this public info?


  32. You know Mrs. Scott. How do you know she don't use drugs? Because she told you or you read it on the blog! Big freakin deal! People can say whatever they want. She admitted she used drugs when she was younger, so the statement should be she don't use drugs anymore. Sounds to me that there is something up, the whole story is yet to be told. Nobody knew anything about this until she went public. She just lookin for a pay day! Hurry call me a wambulanance I got arrested an they let me go......now I want paid!

  33. Booooo! Hooooo! Whaaaaaa! sniffle sniffle. suck it up you lucked out!

  34. "Nobody knew anything about this until she went public." That's the point goofball. No WOULD have known if she had not gone public. Brand x says the charges were dropped and "will not be reported to the media" Why not? everything else is... Tell your story walking goof ball.

  35. @10:28m......you never tried a drug when you were younger? drank? pot? did you live in a cave also? give me a break!

  36. and the name of the officers? Troy Cochran and Travis Stroud! Troy was the rookie, but Stroud should have known better he was the one riding with him and showing him the ropes!

  37. Getting paid or not, it is a good thing when a person stands up for themselves after being wronged. That is why the system exists. If this was a case of misconduct by the PD, that will come out in a courtroom. There are other things to consider besides how the officers screwed up. Like why did the judge sign an arrest warrant with such horrible probable cause? I think our local system needs to be put under the microscope every now and then, to make sure things are being done properly, and that Judges aren't just signing any warrant the PD puts in front of them. That is how we keep them honest. If it turns out that this woman's rights were violated, and she gets some money out of the deal, I say good for her, but let's make sure it doesn't happen again.

    I bet if it looks like it is going to go to court, the City will settle out of court. If the lady truly wants this done for good reasons, she will take it to trial and let the truth come out. Maybe we can get rid of some bad cogs in the machine that is our local system.

  38. JJ,

    I'm truly disappointed in you. The officers made a mistake, they are human. Sure....
    In recent dealings with the ACPD, they've made many mistakes. My point is, I know that for a fact we've got a few arrogant officers on the force. My trust is NOT in ACPD.... who's to say they are not planting evidence.... who are they mad at? Who's next?
    People make mistakes and you, JJ, choose to let the city know willingly. The cops make a mistake
    and the public has got to pull teeth with you to get a name.
    What's the deal? Why?

    We've got a right to know who these officers were from the start. We've got a right to know which officer is going to wait 2 months to come after us... cause they remembered they talked to us, we didn't respond like they wanted, we don't bow when they come on the scene.

    ACPD, has got another black eye. It's getting worse. And all the 'powder' makeup you or they put on it makes no difference. What's done in the dark will come to the light. I think you and ACPD need to re-evaluate our 'ideal' force.

    Just so you'll know...... I'm praying that this comes to light 'bigtime'.

  39. Amen @ 7:23..... Amen!

  40. I you would have read the story on Newscow, it tells you who the two officers were. There wasn't any reason why JJ needed to post that information. It is already out there.

  41. The names did come out in the media. Read all of the online news local and you will see the names of the officers. While it is normal prodeedure to protect the officers from the inside, the victim herself named them in an article I read. Keep reading and you will find the names. I do see if the PD releases the names of the people in the daily police notes that are ticketed, arrested,ect.... then the officers names should be released as well. Why should they be protected/not protected any differently than the public. If you say they are not guilty before proven innocent, then I say neither on those who are arrested or ticketed on a daily basis. If they plead guilty in court then post their names, other than that names need to be ommited. Ignorance is not going to get you out of a ticket or arrest. Laziness/ignorance shouldn't get you an arrest. If it does then you need to say your sorry yourself and not have a press release do it. It takes a big man to personally admit they have made a mistake and wronged someone in public. I believe that bad arrests are made all over the city and at least two I know of in the county in the last couple of years. The victim just doesn't always go public about them like this one did.

  42. Thanks 11:33b .... meaning the latter 11:33 - I'm in agreement... I know of a couple of them myself.

    As for the first 11:33.... JJ still could have posted the names, to be complete... What's with the 'partial' post?

  43. All I'm gonna say, "Way to go Sonya"

    Cowley County, Arkansas City.... soon you will be known..... We have such a 'tacky PD... it's just pathetic. (that's puttin it lightly)

  44. they lied about trying to contact her also, it would have taken to much effort to go to her house until time to fake arrest her.I made a complaint once at an eatery here in town , a man was threating me , he took off before officers arrived , I gave them the tag # , they say they went to his house he was not there , the officer told me and my wife that he would contact us after he talked to that man , that is the last time I ever heard anything from the . MOST OF THEM NOT ALL ARE HALF ASSED , AND DO HALF ASSED JOBS

  45. interestingly, those clammoring for officers to be identified, are posting anonymously.

  46. Hey 12:00 pm,

    I don't know. I didn't write the blog.

  47. To 12:30:Anonymous:
    we didn't make any stupid mistakes to cause others harm publically. No need to identify your self to be next weeks arrest target right? we posted no different than you!

  48. I got the story from Shane at Newscow. He sent it to me. It included names of the woman and the officers.
    I posted the whole thing on the web site and just part of it on here, which is what I normally do.

  49. jj, please post whole stories instead of trying to drum up traffic for the website. The website is harder to navigate, and when you click to read the full story it is displayed in a manner which makes it difficelt to read. I don't want to visit both places, and I will not, so please post it all here as well.

  50. You won't think so self-righteously when it's your rights that are trampled. When your family is put upon by someone who is arrogant and proud. Who thinks they own the streets just because they have a badge. Amazing how they can judge you because you may have had a problem in the past, or one of your family has had a run-in with the PD. Where does truth and fairness fit in then? answer: it doesn't. this Scott case is a perfect example. Makes me want to throw up. Each case should be treated on it's own merit. Not because of prejudice from previous contact. I hope it's never your turn. Trust me, it's no fun.

  51. I can read the story on Newscow or Arkcity revived. Thank you JJ for letting us know it was there. I am not however so lazy that I can't navigate over to read it. Although I had already read it on Newscow last night. Again thanks for letting those who didn't know.

  52. It may be a little inconvenient to go over to the web site, but at least you can read the whole story there. You cannot read the whole story on Brand-x web site anywhere.

  53. perhaps we are missing the point. I'm telling you, and I agree with 12:48... why identify ourselves to become the next target. ACPD shame on you, and you that support it fully with no questions asked. :( I however reserve the right to speak because I once supported ACPD, but in recent months have seen their 'true' colors. I will not be deceived into this backwards thinking that what they say they did, is what they did. I have recently found one in a lie, and they did nothing.... but he lied directly to me... and then said.."I never said that" pshhhhhhhh..... Our men in blue, (not all of them are crooked liars) are being tainted by the few, the proud, the arrogant.... and one of these days.... it's gonna hit hard. Nothing stays secret forever.

  54. I figured Wallace was running a tighter ship than this. The word around town is that he has told his officers that if they screw up, they are gone. Yet there have been so many things happen since he took over that have given them a black eye, and the officers are still there. I guess one did get fired when he let his underage girlfriend and her friends go on an alcohol violation, but there are more bad apples in the bunch.

  55. I know a paticular officer that lied twice! Both times when we demanded proof, they couldn't come up with it. As far as most of the force though they are ok.
    Right now I refuse to pass judgement because I don't know the whole story. The truth will come out.

  56. Everyone on here is more than welcome to apply for the police department and be the "hero" that changes everything and make our little world of crimeless ArkCity better... You are even more than welcome to run for Chief when it comes open again, I think between all of you we could get someone. I know that our officers make mistakes AS DO YOU!!! WE ARE ALL HUMAN!!!, The only issue I have is that by doing nothing more than getting on here and see who can bash the ACPD better than the last why don't you get off your butts and do something to better our community!

  57. Sorry but when my kid was accused of doing something and said they had proof and then wouldn't(couldn't) produce it, how would you feel???? Luckily my kid had an aliby...As far as that goes, they was there when we needed them for that I am thankful. Yes, everyone does make mistakes but our family respects most the police officers.

  58. I agree with the last post.
    Some of you need to experience other small towns. Arkansas City is not unique. Apart from Mayberry and Sheriff Taylor, the favorite activity in any small town anywhere, is to trash the police, city hall, and the media usually in that order.
    That is just small town life.
    Its so easy to trash people anonymously on here, and then say you do that cause you fear retaliation.
    Who is willing to get off your butt and do something for the betterment of the community?

  59. If someone is done wrong, and speaks out, I don't consider that bashing. I consider that speaking up. If everyone who was stopped for no reason, or harrassed for no reason, or charged with a crime they didn't commit, took action against the department that wronged them, maybe those actions would stop. I have been around many law enforcement agencies, and none are immune from overzealous officers. I have seen it too much. ACPD is not immune from this either.

  60. There is a difference between speaking out and just being a naysayer. The woman who was charged spoke up, she did something, she did not just complain anonymously.
    The difference is saying...
    The police are all .....
    the police always ....
    as opposed to.
    I (insert NAME here) think their policy on busting 19 year olds for drinking is wrong because ....

    Bashing is just using generalities that are not based on fact, (or that cant be proven) especially when you wont put your name on it.
    If you want change, you have to be willing to put your name on it, get your facts, and be willing to stand behind it yourself.

    do you see the difference ?

  61. I totally see the difference but as with most of us the police really don't like to be criticized. And, when they do screw up, people are going to complain that have been wronged. That GOES with the job. Although I don't agree with SG on his politics I do agree with him on this matter. I too have seen over zealous officers trying to produce arrests. My child was also accused of a crime and spent some time in their company too. He also had a strong alibi but it didn't keep them from roasting his behind for a good bit of time. He is a good boy, but if they could have made it fit, they would have. While the real thief would have gone on. Cross your tees and dot your I's. Prison is full of guilty people, and some innocent ones.

  62. I completely agree with JJ. Well said!

  63. ditto SG. If we all would complain. In person. Formally & politely the wrongdoing would stop. At least the overzealous ones would by their own doing be singled out. Too much of the time people on the streets are afraid. Just because. I for one will, have, and in the future make my voice known. Just because I post anonymous on here means nothing. Not bashing here, it's just the truth. When has anyone ever seen police in any town voluntarily say "Oops, I messed up"? Signed: American citizen

  64. I read on Newscow that Wallace went to the woman's house to speak to her about it, yet did not apologize. Then he comes out of that meeting saying he believes that will be the end of it. Sounds like she has a very good civil case, or he wouldn't be putting forth that kind of effort to end it. My advice to her is to get an attorney from Wichita, not locally.

    Any time someone's fourth amendment rights of search and seizure are violated, the courts tend to frown upon that. And yes, arresting someone is "seizing" them. Any time someone is not free to go, that is a seizure. Even stopping a car for a traffic violation is considered a seizure, so if there is no probable cause for the stop, that is a violation, and should be reported.

  65. SG... I agree. And as for my part, I met with the Captain and the police officer involved. He, the young officer lied... got caught in the lie in the office... (however, nothing was done)
    Now... all officers are not the problem, but we ACPD have a few 'Barney's' on the front line, and they are robbing my respect for the 'men in blue'.

    JJ.... I have done my part... many times... but oh well.....

  66. I think it sounds like the young officer should be suspended until the whole deal is sorted through.
    As for the lawsuit, I'm not so sure I agree with it. Oh I understand Mrs. Scott's feelings on that, but I would have to think if she is after "justice" only, then why continue to court? It has been plastered in the newspaper and online news as well. I think her point was made. Apologies were made and as for the Chief, I have met him and he comes across to me as sincere person.

  67. Sherrif at scott house last night! is there more to all this than we know. Did they arrest again?

  68. If so it will be on the record. I'm with one of the earlier posts; if you aren't in situations where you find yourself in the back of a police car in the first place...

  69. She stated she don't use drugs, and if the police did find drugs in the car after her, she stated they were not hers. could those be carefully worded answers? Could she be covering for someone else? something stinks here and I don't think it is all the ACPD fault!

  70. Maybe they went to apologize...

  71. 3:51, 4:00, 4:26 this kind of tripe (i mean these types of posts) continues to convince me that these blogs and such do no common good. Just feed the rumor mill, make sure good ol' A.C. continues to feed on itself thereby insuring no future progress. Sheesh!

  72. Seems sad we are ready to prosecute the pd officers, on the word of someone that ended up in the back of a car for some reason that we don't know. Seems there are a lot of missing pieces to this puzzle.

  73. I'm sure she is a nice lady, But so was Ted Bundy!

  74. Sheriff at Scott's house lastnight? what are you stalking her? and she is called ted Bundy? that is scary. and for your information she lives in an apartment complex! how do you know where they went?

  75. Just because a Sheriff was there doesn't mean she did anything wrong. They DO deliver civil papers. I read where she was trying to adopt a child. A sheriff would deliver those type of papers to her house if she was to get them. Get your mind out of the trash! Just because she talked to the media about her being done wrong give you no right to trash her.

  76. @8:00 p.m. Thanks for a sensible comment. As for the rest of them (well most of 'em) I think I'm gonna move. Can anyone recommend a town that doesn't devour innocent people and foster gossip just because they happen to see a Sheriff's car? Get a life. Anywhere? I mean I'm movin'. (pack, pack, pack) Later goofball. Tell your story walkin'.

  77. Thanks! While I would like to tell you that I do know of a town with no such idiots as the ones above, I can't. What I do know is that there are too many that like to stalk their neighbors from their windows....Me? I don't live in AC...lol!

  78. Ark CIty is not unique at all.
    Gossip and rumor mongering are the basic substance of just about any small town anywhere.
    Its not even unique to Cowley COunty, Just go hang out in Winfield, or Dexter, for awhile.

    Even in large cities, gossip and rumor spreading are favorite past times.

    THe only thing unique about small towns is that the police are just about always at the top of the list of targets to bash.
    Second is city hall, and third is the media. Sometimes media is second.

    In large cities, the media is the no. 1 target, with city hall second and the cops third.

    YOu people need to get out more, you would see that gossip and bad mouthing are common everywhere.

  79. YOu people need to get out more, you would see that gossip and bad mouthing are common everywhere.
    Yeah, and just because it is common every where that makes it right? For someone to announce that their neighbors house had a police car in front of it on a community blog is wrong. If they were as worried about what was going on at home as they were worried about what was going on next door, the community would be in a much better state.

  80. You know that there are indeed some small towns that don't have most of the issues brought up here, but I mean "small" towns. I don't really consider AC to be a small town. Labeling the entire ACPD as incompentent isn't fair as well. I happen to know several of the officers & know them to be fair & honest. When you get anything (department, factory, school, family) that has more than say 5 members you will always have some less than favorable members. It's just going to happen & there's nothing you can do about. Imagine someone (especially those of you bashing ACPD) going off about your family because you have a whack job for a cousin, aunt, brother etc.... I am not a member of the PD (trust me folks it's a thankless job as evidenced here & the pay isn't your GE level either). So imagine, take them all away, every one of them & then hide behind your curtains & see the fun.
    Sorry, had to inject some reason here.
    The officer that pursued the charges was wrong, Mrs. Scott was wronged. You just can't blame the entire PD or even demonize Mrs. Scott because I do in fact believe she is innocent.
    So to those of you blaming ACPD for your troubles or portraying them as bumbling, incompetent or crooked quit it.
    To those of you saying the things about Mrs. Scott (especially the poster about the sher. being there) GROW UP!

  81. You just can't accept that there actually might be two innocent victims as the result of those Illegal Drugs! Can YOU?

  82. JJ, I have to disagree with your headline that says rookie officer mistake leads to dropped charges. The rookie officer had training officer Stroud with him, and he is the one to blame, not the rookie. How is a rookie to know unless he is taught? Stroud is the one who wrongly pursued charges, is he not? He is the one who made the mistakes, not the rookie.

  83. OK, let see, how long has Stroud been on duty? Two years maybe three? My question is why weren't the more seasoned officers training the rookie instead of putting a short time officer as a field training officer? I believe it is a problem with managment. The more experienced officers should be the field training officer, plain and simple. So if you are going to verbally beat up on anyone, beat up on the ones who neglected to place the rookie with the more experienced trainers. Everyone has some blame to share.

  84. Stroud and the rookie should have known enough to search the vehicle at the beginning and end of the shift. That is first day on the job type of stuff. Like here's where you park your car, this is how you turn on the lights and sirens, and OH YEAH, don't forget to search the back seat at the beginning and end of ever shift in case someone stashes their drugs while being transported.

    And they make back seats for patrol cars that don't have cracks to put things in. Maybe they should look into that.

  85. I have to agree with you on that, searching the car is first day stuff but common sense tells me that the seasoned officers should be training the rookies. That should be good management 101!

  86. i'm beginning to hate this thread...

  87. The Scott's no longer live on Summit Street..moved in the night? hmmmmm.....

  88. Omg..you people are crazy! Someone is a stalker! The Scott's had plans to move for over the last month! They moved Sunday afternoon..in the broad day light!! Get your facts straight and quit trying to make things something they are not!!

  89. They ain't got nothin' else to do!

  90. The most distubing of all of this is the Chief of Police not standing up for his own officers. He should stand up and take the heat! He has publicly placed the blame on everyone else but him. He is the boss. I can't imagine why anyone would respect him or want to work for him. Piss poor leadership by the Chief!

  91. Would have to agree with 8:06. Wallace sure pushed stroud off the roof! Way to support you officers Chief Wallace!

  92. Now why would this be the fault of the Chief??

  93. "Now why would this be the fault of the Chief??"
    Who is running the place? He has lost touch with the department! This ain't new york city, he should know what is going on in his department.

  94. Not if anyone informed him ahead of time. He can't be there every minute.
