Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Welfare cheaters and deadbeats


Ive discovered that I can post things on here from other news sites. This could be dangerous.
But its still a local blog, so im not going to clutter it up too much with national stuff.


  1. Yeah those ceo's really got theirs, didn't they? Got the corporate jets taken away. Poor babies lost some of their perks, but wait, they still getting their bonuses and expenses for travel! Meanwhile, they are ripping off the consumer by jacking up interest rates on peoples credit card accounts, even those with excellent scores, before new laws take affect.

  2. Off topic, any more word on that flu outbreak? I know a 2 year old that has the h1n1 flu.

  3. Now guess who is going to raise money on Wall Street after giving them tons of it...

    You guessed it. Obama.

    Conflict of interest?
