Thursday, October 15, 2009


Apparently it is true that there are a lot of kids out with the flu at the high school.
A student told me "about 200" were out today. That student is staying home sick today.
The secretary at the high school didnt have any numbers, but she said there seemed to be a lot out today.
The school nurse was real busy dealing with sick kids.
More details coming.
There are about 750 kids total at the school, so that many out would be a lot.


  1. A student told me "about 200" were out today.

    Great reporting there JJ.

  2. I know the student personally. She didnt want to be quoted.

  3. I have a family member whose kid goes to an elementary school in AC. The kids teacher's daughter has a confirmed case of H1N1 and is still teaching. This makes me nervous because none of the kids, including my family members kid, have been vaccinated.

    I called the Cowley Health Department this morning to inquire about the vaccinations and they are not available yet. So what do you do until a child can be vaccinated?

  4. My wife is an RN, She says the swine flu is not any worse than any other kind of flu.
    Its the time of year for flu to be around.
    It is a concern, but I just dont think we need to get too hysterical about it.
    I guess swine flu spreads more easily than other kinds.
    The flu shots should be here soon.
    But thats no guarantee you wont get the flu.
    Last two years my wife has had a flu shot, and she got sick. I did not have one, and did not get sick. Isolated case, but ... you never know.
    Biggest thing is to wash your hands a lot.
    Might even be good to avoid shaking hands with people.

  5. JJ, some of us apreciate that you are taking the time to dig up the facts. Another one up for you!!! the public should know what to expect instead of it being downplayed. I have been keeping my fingers crossed that the vaccines for h1n1 would arrive for the general public before the **** hits the fan. Not to mention with Arkalalah coming up. I don't want to end up sick, again. I wonder if the regular flu has been starting its rounds yet this year?

  6. Theres plenty of "regular" flu around.
    The recent cold spell, the change in the weather, also makes people more vulnerable.

  7. Byte- That teacher shouldn't be teaching. She could be a carrier and could get that whole school sick. She should be home and I think that your family member has the right to be concerned and I don't think it's hysteria, Just parents doing what they can to protect their kids.

    From the information I've read the H1N1 is more serious then the regular flu. The deaths in Children are already higher then regular flu and they keep rising, There was 19 kids that died from H1N1 in ONE week. And after reading the KAKE report about the man who got sick with it and started coughing up blood.... Yeah, That scares me. I just can't believe anyone would KNOWNINGLY expose kids to this... And you all call yourselfs PRO-LIFE.

    "Its the time of year for flu to be around."

    Yes that's true, But H1N1 has been around since April. It's spreading and killing more people. I don't think anyone is being hysterical about it expect for maybe you since you posted three threads on it within a few hours.

  8. Oh my. AC is riding the crazy train lately.

  9. That teacher shouldn't be teaching. She could be a carrier and could get that whole school sick

    Are you speaking as an expert or just your opinion? I don't think just because one person in a family is sick that all members of that family should stay home. Especially if they are healthy.

  10. There are many teachers that have already missed days of school because they are sick or their children are sick. Most teachers stay home when they are sick, so they don't spread it to the "whole" school. For the most part, teachers do the same as students and parents should do. If you have over 99.0 temp, stay home! Maybe some schools go by 100.0, but I know my own daughter and myself, run a lower than usual regular temp of 97.6, so my family always went by 99.0.

  11. Oh my. AC is riding the crazy train lately.

    Allllll abooooooooooaaaaaaaard!!!!

  12. Can't you be contagious 7 days before symptoms? So.. She could be feeling fine and spreading it before she even gets that fever. From what I've read you can be contagious 16 days after you've started feeling better. Correct me if I'm wrong?

  13. Ive never heard of that.
    But it is true i think that you are most contagious right before you have symptoms.
    There are things you can do to protect yourself, like washing your hands often.
    Dont touch your face.
    I met this old man somewhere, who carried around a small spray bottle of alcohol, and a towel, and he would spray anything he was going to touch - like a door handle.
    He said people called him crazy.
    but he said ... "I dont have the flu either"

  14. This makes me feel uneasy because there are all kinds of studies & reports in the media and they are all over the place with their findings on H1N1. Some report that this is no more serious than the regular flu and others are reporting that it will kill millon's which tells me they really don't know the severity of H1N1 and because of that, everyone should be proactive in washing their hands, not touching their face and get the vaccanation if and when it is available. There is alot of debate over H1N1 in the medical field. Who and what do you believe? Some can call the concerned people as being on the crazy train and others will call it being responsible. I will be on the crazy train with people who are being proactive-feel safer with them. I just read a article that said H1N1 may cause blood clots in the lung.
