Wednesday, June 24, 2009

But did he inhale?

President Obama signed tougher laws on smoking, and the national media is making a story about his own smoking habit. Can't say they are giving him a free pass on this one, but still, they are not attacking him all that much.
Here is a link to a story about it.

I remember during the campaign, some republicans were circulating unflattering pics of Obama with a ciggy hanging out of his mouth.
I tend to think its good of him to be relatively straight-forward about it, even though he has hedged on just how much he smokes.
He said he is 95 percent clean. Yea ... What do they call a drunk who is 95 percent clean? Not buying it, still I do applaud him for admitting his habit.

What do you all think about smoking. The addiction? How hard it is to break the habit?


  1. While everyone has the freedom to choose, anyone who would pay nearly 2 grand a year to slowly kill themselves is a fool.

  2. Well, some of us fools started when we was kids. Maybe that is no excuse, but if I could go back, I would have never picked up the habit again after I had my child. Its hard to quit, especially when one is under intense stress. And the body has the same reactions that a drug addict has when going through withdrawls, minus the vomiting. I am now in the process of getting ready to quit, I have my date picked and so watch out, I may get b****y on here. :) Just kidding.
    Obama is the perfect example of getting legislation changed, he knows how hard it is to kick those last few cigarettes. At least he is doing something about it. If someone would have started regulating the tobacco companies a long time ago, I really think things would be different.

  3. People moan about cigarretts, but just try taking those morning cups of coffee away from a coffee drinker and see what happens.

  4. Where would we get all the money for taxes if everyone up and quit smoking? We'd be in trouble!

  5. HEH! HEH! Thats true, but I don't see that happening. What the younger smokers don't realize, is that you feel ok when you're young, but starting getting towards thirty and it catches up with ya. I want to quit because I don't want to have health problems associated with cigarettes and I don't want 50 million wrinkles. Better now then later. Oh, my grandmother smoked most her life and never inhaled. When they did an xray of her lungs, they were still pink, almost knocked me over with a feather when the doctor said that!

  6. I think smoking is the most vile and disgusting habit a person can have. I'd rather have the person at the next table eating their boogers while farting the theme to Jaws than smoking a cigarette. That said, people who began smoking back before it was known how bad they were for you (like WW2 era) get a free pass in my book. Hell, Fred Flinstone used to do cigarette commercials, and there were fake Doctors on TV recommending certain brands.

    But, that was a long time ago, and people have known for a long time now just how bad smoking is for you. Anyone who picked up the habit since the 70's is just plain dumb.

    My parents smoked when i was a kid. My mother was able to stop many years ago. My father stopped when he had a stroke and emphezema that killed him two years later.

  7. Well thankyou for calling me dumb. People with you're holier than thou attitude disgust me. Obviously you're dumber, since it wasn't so long ago, the cig companies were busted for jacking up nicotine levels and not being honest about the chemicals used in cigarettes. I don't recall being told or hearing on tv or anywhere for that matter when I was growing up, how bad cigarettes were. Its about time we got a President making someone start regulate these companies. Know what else, at least we got one that is doing something instead of sitting on his butt p'ing of all the enemies.

  8. No, you are dumb, and that is not to say I haven't done dumb things myself. You are dropping about 2grand to kill yourself. You saying that is a smart move?

    To your point that you weren't told, cig packs have had warnings labels since the late 60's. Can you read?

  9. Yes, you are dumb if you continue to do something that you know can kill you or at the very least damage your health.

    I LOVE beef jerky! LOVE IT! But, if doctors proved tomorrow that it could cause cancer or shorten my life span, I would never touch it again.

    And Yes, I know beef jerky doesn't addict people the way cigarettes do. My point is, most of you started smoking AFTER the world knew it was bad for you. That is the definition of dumb.

  10. Wow, better check those ingredients in beef jerky, dude you impress me, such a small mind in a big head!!!!!
    Your welcome.

  11. The number one cause of death is heart disease from bad eating habits.

  12. Give a link, please.

  13. That is according to the World Health Organization statistics from North America, number two is abortion and number 3 is the medical system although they could be number one depends on how you compile or group the information.

  14. A link, please. I checked and, and nound nothing which verifies your claims.

  15. I'm not the one who posted that, but here is a link from american heart association that talks about obesity being a major risk factor instead of a contributing factor for cardiac disease. Quite interesting. I remember hearing on tv news about a year ago that obesity deaths due to heart disease is fast catching up to heart disease due to smoking. I just imagine that if one is obese and does smoke, one would be literally a walking heart attack.

  16. hey 8:45,

    I got your big head right here!
