Friday, June 19, 2009

Traveler trouble

The Traveler reported yesterday on it's web site that the man who had been shot in Arkansas City yesterday had died.
Today they have a correction on their site.
They say they were misinformed.
I just wonder if anyone will get in trouble for that.
Here is the story.


  1. Get in trouble from who? Who would be the one getting in trouble? the editor? Is that how it works?

  2. Pretty bad mistake really.

  3. If it was intentional misinformation that would be one thing, but it was from a source...we all heard the same thing on the prayer chains from sources apart from the news (and I am in California (used to live in Ponca and go to church in Ark City and still remain in the loop).

    Anyhow, I know more info than what you have listed, but my guess is, that it is not meant to be made public at this time since it has not been as of yet. I am quite sure you know more too, but have respected the family and police in this matter.

    I do not know Allen or his family to the best of my knowledge, but I do know the best thing any of us can do is not cast more pain in their direction with stupid comments (not intended towards you James), but instead just pray for God's peace that surpasses all understanding to intercede in the midst of all of this.

  4. I really do not understand why you are not the bigger person and quit taking potshots at The Traveler. The paper has been riddled with mistakes for as long as I have lived in AC. I suspect the pressure of trying to "get the scoop" first before you or newscow gets it will add to the error ratio.

  5. I would hope that he would at least get an apology.

  6. Alot of people were told yesterday he had died. I am glad the info was wrong.

  7. James
    I don't consider this a potshot. They reported that a man was dead and he was not. Yes, it was "going around" but those of us in the business know that you source information beyond that.

    A simple call to Via Christi would have let them know he most certainly was not dead. Any time someone who claims to be family calls, I always ask them for an official source of the info, so that I can call myself.

    Someone should be trouble. They're trying to make their website better and so far have published an embarassing string of errors, since James left.

  8. Only since James left?

  9. jj, they wanted you gone a long time ago, just didn't have a way to do it. I thought you'd have figured that out by now.

  10. Oh I know JR wanted me gone years ago.
    I just felt it was a legitimate question.
    My attorney does as well :)

  11. James,

    A mistake is far more forgivable than plagiarism. Your fairy tale about spider bites non withstanding. By the way, your link on this post doesn't work. Good job.


    "Someone should be trouble." Do you mean "someone should be IN trouble?" Or are you just trying to start trouble? You're a second rate journalist for a third rate "news" source.

  12. This post is something that JJ would post, I'm neither shocked or surprised. He claims he's a Christian, But yet steals a story from someone and get's fired for it. He's a Christian, But now everytime the Traveler makes a mistake we get to read about it on his blog, Sounds like revenge to me. You don't deserve revenge JJ. You stole. Bottom line, Did you mention THAT to your lawyer?

  13. I was not guilty of plagarism. I did not steal.
    Ive explained what happened.
    I have a right to ask legitimate questions. That's all I am doing.

  14. JJ,

    I would much rather read you blog than Jr.
    He is so far out on limb sometimes and tries to impress with his knowledge.
    Give me a good journalist who respects the articles they write, aren't always following the crowd for news and presents the facts while respecting the individuals.
    It seems integrity is a little harder to recognize in journalism these days but I know when I see it!
    Keep up the good work.

  15. Thanks
    I do try to respect the story and the individuals. Writers need to understand - it isnt about them, it;s about the story.

  16. The spider bite was not a fairy tale, he posted in his blog about it before that incident happened. As far as spider bites go, they can make one very ill. I know, I've had one before and it was just a little one about the size of a dime, so I can only imagine if it was a larger one.

  17. This blog makes me ashamed to be part of this community.

    The previous post is filled with people judging the Herman family in their time of sorrow and pain.

    Now this post where James is using the tradedgy to try and settle a juvenile dispute with a past employer.

    This is how the so called Christians act? This is how the so called AC Community supports local families in time of trouble?

    James again I say to you, DO THE RIGHT THING. Delete the posts judging and gossiping about the Herman family. If people can not give them comfort and support at their time of need, then those people should hold their tongues.

  18. Shane Farely said...
    "A simple call to Via Christi would have let them know he most certainly was not dead."

    I am certain that Via Christi would not have commented either way.

    HIPPA prevents the hospital from even confirming that a person is a patient without the patients consent.

  19. Yes, this string is an embarresment to the entire community. At a time when this family needs support, and understanding, caring and compassion, people are piling it on.
    I'm sure this is not how Jesus would act.
    Where does Jesus say that we should only care for the righteous, for those without any problems...
    I'm certain he does not. In fact, just the opposite is true.

    Delete this string.

  20. Some of you all are over reacting. JJ, you are doing fine. Mistakes happen. People point them out, its OK. I don't see much of anything on these blogs to worry about much.

    I say this as I am much different from JJ. I am a liberal, I don't attend church or believe in Christ as the only answer (maybe a role model as a man). I am pro-choice completely. I don't agree with most of JJ's opinions. But he does a good job on this blog and some of you all should lay off the man.

  21. Thanks
    Just goes to show that you don't have to agree.
    I have deleted posts that were trashing family members.

  22. What would Jesus do

    For a Klondike Bar??
