Thursday, June 11, 2009

Maycom Ball fundraiser

There will be a fundraiser for Maycom Ball, the infant son of Cody and Amanda Ball, from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. Friday at Wilson Park.
Maycom was born last fall and has not been able to leave the hospital in Kansas City.
But he could be coming home to Arkansas City soon. He already has more than a million dollars in medical bills, and getting their house ready for Macom to come home will also be very expensive.
Mayor Jay Warren has been active in getting this event together. He said it will cost about $50,000 to get their house ready for the baby. He will have to have a special ventilator and there will have to be special heating and air systems installed.
Cody Ball is a fireman in Arkansas City.
Friday's event will include a dinner of pork burgers, baked beans, cole slaw, drinks and desert.
KACY radio will broadcast live.
There will be lost of games and activities for children.
Live music will be provided.
All proceeds will go to the Maycom Ball family.


  1. JJ, is it alright I post this as a bulletin on myspace?

  2. Yes, Please do. Could you put a link to the blog there with it?

  3. Yeppers! Thanks!

  4. Hope all turns out especially well for little Maycom's fundraiser. Just went to the Farmers Market to buy bierocks in support of Andrea Harris and nobody with a stall knew anything about it. Too bad, because there were a lot of inquiries and buyers--just no bierocks.

  5. Well, yeah. With KACY there, lots of people will be jonesin' for bierocks. Thoughts n prayers to the Balls. Is there a web address for contributions?
