Monday, June 1, 2009

Pro-life response

This morning I talked with Tim Durham, director of Family Life Services. Here is a story based on that interview.

Tim Durham, of Family Life Services in Arkansas City, was shocked when he heard that George Tiller had been killed in Wichita Sunday.
"I was in a church when I heard about it. That was not something we wanted to hear," he said Monday.
As a pro-life group, he was opposed to the late-term abortions performed by Tiller. Even so, he was hoping there would be a different outcome.
Durham noted that some abortion providers have changed sides and stopped doing abortions. He said he hoped Tiller would see the light in that area, but he never wished that Tiller would be killed.
"We are in the business of preserving live," Durham said. He added that his organization is too busy helping people to get involved in any kind of violent protest.
Family Life Services is a pro-life organization, but Durham sees it more as a service organization than an activist group.
"We are a 5013-c organization. We are not allowed to be involved in politics," he said.
Family Life Services spends most of its time helping pregnant women with things like health care and prenatal care.
"We all want health babies," Durham said.
He said both he and his organization condemns any sort of violent protest.
He said he did not know what the thought process was of the man who shot Tiller, but he said his actions were clearly misguided.
Durham hopes the shooting will not result in a backlash against service organizations such as Family Life Services.
Durham said he hopes people will start talking more about abortion as a result of Sunday's shooting.
"Abortion is one of those issues people just do not want to talk about. It is uncomfortable, so they don't," he said.
His group does focus on helping women, but it is also opposed to abortion.
He said abortion is a complex issue, and he said he would rather er on the side of life, instead of having abortions.
His organization tries to find alternatives for pregnant women who may be considering an abortion.
Tiller was one of the few who provided late-term abortions. These are abortions where the baby could survive outside the womb.
Durham noted that in some states people can be charged with two counts of murder if they kill a pregnant woman. But that same woman could have the fetus killed and it would be called choice.
"We have that incongruency in our culture, and that is what no one wants to talk about," he said.
Durham said some people see abortion as a necessary evil, but "in my world view, I say, if it is evil, why is it necessary."


  1. Nice article - sums up the way I look at it.

  2. "Durham noted that some abortion providers have changed sides and stopped doing abortions. He said he hoped Tiller would see the light in that area, but he never wished that Tiller would be killed."

    Tiller saw the light alright. It's called Muzzle Flash!

  3. Tiller saw the light alright. It's called Muzzle Flash!

    Wow, Oh wow! Aren't you sick and perverted!

  4. What.... too soon?? lol

  5. What was done to Tiller was not right. Not according to God or the Law. I'm not perfect, I'm a sinner, we all are. So none of us are any better than another. Tiller deserved better than he got, but then again, so did the babies.

  6. Ignore that poster, some people have a very warped brain sometimes.

  7. All the time. All the time.

  8. You are wrong about that M4M. He didn't deserve any better than he got. None of us do. We ALL deserve death. Then, while we were deserving of that death, God's Son died in our place so we didn't have to. The stickler is that He died for everyone in that His "replacement" death is available to everyone equally, to anyone who would receive Him. In order to "apply" that death to be the death that is the replacement for your own, you have to receive what Jesus has done for you and accept that as the only path to the Father--one you can't get to on your own through any good doings of your own. So, you see we all deserve death, and we are all going to die a physical death, but we don't all have to spend eternity separated from God. That eternal separation is your destiny if you have not accepted Jesus' replacement death for you.

  9. 5:23 your mixing material and spiritual death. Tiller did not deserve to be murdered, but I do agree that we all deserve spiritual death and that only the blood of Jesus acting as a once and for all sacrifice was our only hope of avoiding that. And we do not all have to die a physical or material death. There are those who will change in the twinkling of an eye during the rapture.

  10. This blog is more proof that not only do we need legal abortions, we need some mandatory ones too. If fewer babies were born to hateful people who follow he so called word, we would be much better off.

  11. Yeah, let's kill all the babies. Who's with me???!!!

    YEEHAW. I love being a baby killing liberal pussbag. WOOHOO. WHERE'S THE BABIES??? Lemme at em.

  12. Scott Roeder will obviously be found not guilty on all charges by a Kansas jury. He will then be hired for a new show on Fox news in between Glen Beck and Shawn Hannity. Joe the Plumber will be hired as his band leader.

  13. The woman who shot Tiller in the arms (SQUEEZE the trigger, don't jerk it) is rotting away in prison, so I'm sure this guy will be too.

  14. JJ, you gonna talk about the city commission being under fire again? I would like to know more.

  15. JJ, you gonna talk about the city commission being under fire again? I would like to know more.
    Yes, Ill have it up within the hour.


    Number of abortions per year: 1.37 Million (1996)
    Number of abortions per day: Approximately 3,700

    Who's having abortions (age)?
    52% of women obtaining abortions in the U.S. are younger than 25: Women aged 20-24 obtain 32% of all abortions; Teenagers obtain 20% and girls under 15 account for 1.2%.

    Who's having abortions (race)?
    While white women obtain 60% of all abortions, their abortion rate is well below that of minority women. Black women are more than 3 times as likely as white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are roughly 2 times as likely.

    Who's having abortions (marital status)?
    64.4% of all abortions are performed on never-married women; Married women account for 18.4% of all abortions and divorced women obtain 9.4%.

    Who's having abortions (religion)?
    Women identifying themselves as Protestants obtain 37.4% of all abortions in the U.S.; Catholic women account for 31.3%, Jewish women account for 1.3%, and women with no religious affiliation obtain 23.7% of all abortions. 18% of all abortions are performed on women who identify themselves as "Born-again/Evangelical".

    Who's having abortions (income)?
    Women with family incomes less than $15,000 obtain 28.7% of all abortions; Women with family incomes between $15,000 and $29,999 obtain 19.5%; Women with family incomes between $30,000 and $59,999 obtain 38.0%; Women with family incomes over $60,000 obtain 13.8%.

    1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient).

    At what gestational ages are abortions performed:
    52% of all abortions occur before the 9th week of pregnancy, 25% happen between the 9th & 10th week, 12% happen between the 11th and 12th week, 6% happen between the 13th & 15th week, 4% happen between the 16th & 20th week, and 1% of all abortions (16,450/yr.) happen after the 20th week of pregnancy.

    Likelihood of abortion:
    An estimated 43% of all women will have at least 1 abortion by the time they are 45 years old. 47% of all abortions are performed on women who have had at least one previous abortion.

    Abortion coverage:
    48% of all abortion facilities provide services after the 12th week of pregnancy. 9 in 10 managed care plans routinely cover abortion or provide limited coverage. About 14% of all abortions in the United States are paid for with public funds, virtually all of which are state funds. 16 states (CA, CT, HI, ED, IL, MA , MD, MD, MN, MT, NJ, NM, NY, OR, VT, WA and WV) pay for abortions for some poor women.

  17. Yeah, let's kill all the babies. Who's with me???!!!

    YEEHAW. I love being a baby killing liberal pussbag. WOOHOO. WHERE'S THE BABIES??? Lemme at em.


    Wow, Oh wow, Oh wow... Aren't you sick and perverted.

  18. I believe that was sarcasm. The real sick and perverted people are the ones who have no problem with babies being killed for convenience.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. When it comes down to it, It has to be one of the toughest choices a person can make. I don't think anyone would take it lightly. I mean, I hope no one would. It's a very serious subject and people should stop joking about it.

  21. The sad truth is that many do, in fact, take it lightly. The Left's contention that it's a woman's body, and she can do whatever she wants with it, has given people with no moral compass the go ahead to use abortion as birth control. And that is exactly what we see in the statistics.

  22. It's not just the left anymore. More and more moderate GOPs are coming around.

    Are you suggesting the gov't become a moral guide?? Wow.

    Let your Sen. Craig know about that.

  23. Yeah, I'll call Sen. Craig and have him call John Edwards and Bill Clinton and get some moral advice.

  24. The answer to the moral dilemma we are in can be found in the Bible. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
    Healing of our nation will only occur when we do what the scripture says. Until that happens we only see judgement coming.

  25. The Arguement that its a womans body and she can do what she wants with it was applied to prostitution, but funny thing is, prostitution is illegal. Its okay for a woman to kill her baby, but not okay for her to have sex and get paid for it. I should think we would value life more. Women get to decide if they have sex, they should not get to decide if they want to kill their baby. What rights does the baby have on its body to not die?

  26. In almost every case, the woman chooses to have sex. Isn't that where the choice is made. They know what can happen.

  27. I absolutely agree with the last two posters. If CHOICE is so important, CHOOSE to keep your legs closed unless you are willing to face the consequences.

  28. A lot of good posts on the blog. But, here is what I find interesting about the posters who think its all that easy to keep their legs together in todays society.
    First, If you go back in time and really not all that far when life expectancies were shorter. Women were parents at a lot younger ages than we expect today. But, life was harder and responsibility was forced on them at an earlier age. Then as now biologically they were equipped to be mothers in their early teens.
    Second, society today with TV, movies the internet, magazines, fashion -- are all geared
    toward one intent.
    The only thing thats missing is the emotional and financial support that goes with commitment/marriage. But, at a divorce rate of 55% that isn't seen as necessary.
    So in the end they learn by example! Ever look at who's setting the example?

  29. Females can get pregnant from rape, do you want to force them to have a rapists baby? Also, do you think 10 year old girls who are abused should be forced to have the baby?

    In some cases abortion is ok.

    A woman should only be allowed one per her lifetime.

  30. Most people on here who are pro life, myself included, agree with you about rape and incest.
    That has been said many times already. Perhaps if you read through the posts before replying you would know that.

  31. So maybe the "prolife" movement folks should stop protesting people like Mr. Tiller and start trying to educate the community about safe sex or better decision making. That may lead to fewer murders and violence.

  32. I don't fault the pro life movement for protesting Doctors like Tiller. They act within the law and protest peacefully. The man who killed Tiller was acting alone, not for any pro life group.

  33. "The man who killed Tiller was acting alone, not for any pro life group"

    Really? How do you know that? He could of been. And with him having Operation save America information in his car at the time of the murder and also posting on their website just days before the murder and making comments about wanting to go inside Dr. Tiller's church makes me believe that this does go further. I'm sure a lot more information will come out in time. I have nothing against people protesting peacefully, But when you start acting like your above the law and that your view is the end all... Then I start to have a problem with that.

    "So maybe the "prolife" movement folks should stop protesting people like Mr. Tiller and start trying to educate the community about safe sex or better decision making. That may lead to fewer murders and violence."

    Abortion has been debated a lot on JJ's blog and people have said that over and over. And they never come back and say that they are helping, No one says that they are making a difference or even attempting! None of these people who call the women who have abortions lazy and sluts do anything to help prevent Abortions. They just sit at the computer waving fingers and telling us how lazy and worthless these women are. Heck, I bet half of them don't even believe in sex education! And it's a double standard, You never ever hear about the man who gets the lazy lay on back slut pregnat.... Nope never.

  34. And they never come back and say that they are helping, No one says that they are making a difference or even attempting! None of these people who call the women who have abortions lazy and sluts do anything to help prevent Abortions.
    Try basically any church in town, or the county, or the nation. as well as Family Life Services and many other faith based organizations.
    There is plenty of help out there.
    Those that want to make money off pregnant women in crisis are not doing much to help, but those that believe in life, are doing plenty to help.

    It seems that the pro choice people dont want anyone to protest or question what they are doing.

  35. Well said JJ.

    June 3, 2009 10:38 AM said
    "None of these people who call the women who have abortions lazy and sluts do anything to help prevent Abortions."

    First of all no one, except you of course, called them, sluts.

    Second of all, I AM doing my part to prevent abortions... I raised my daughter with morals.

  36. "Try basically any church in town, or the county, or the nation. as well as Family Life Services and many other faith based organizations.
    There is plenty of help out there.
    Those that want to make money off pregnant women in crisis are not doing much to help"


    Family Life Services? Do they get money when they help adopt kids out? Just curious? What if the person doesn't attend church? How can they get the help they need? Maybe they don't feel comfortable in that type of environment because they've never stepped foot in a church. I just think we need to look "outside the box" so to speak and leave religion out of this for a second. It would be nice to acutally debate this and try to find solutions without religion and church being brought up at every turn.

    Your pro-life, Right JJ? Like I said above, I want to know what YOU are doing to help stop abortions, Not what churches are doing... So what have you personally done about preventing abortions? Because I've seen on your blogs a lot of debate about abortion and people talking and talking and they say how awful the moms are, How abortion is murder.... But when someone comes back and ask what are YOU GUYS personally doing to stop abortions no one says a thing. I'm asking everyone on here who is pro-life, What are you doing to help prevent abortions. It's an easy and fair question.

    So 1:07, Only the morally correct people are the ones that don't have abortions?

  37. Churches and organizations wanna help? Try starting with passing out bc pills. How do you figure a woman with no morals or values just gonna walk into church and ask? OH, i'm sure a few would, but thats not enough. Obviously teaching abstinence is not working.

    To the person that said they are raising their daughter with morals? Well good job, I hope you are right and things never change. Just because a kid turns bad or whatever doesn't mean they were not raised with morals.

  38. I'm asking everyone on here who is pro-life, What are you doing to help prevent abortions. It's an easy and fair question.
    You cant leave religion and church out of it.
    It is the churches that are doing the most.
    I help by supporting my church financially, which pays for the ministries, such as feeding hungry people and helping pregnant women who are in trouble.
    Our church helps a lot of people. They are never "required" to go to the church.
    Our Manna Minstries feed a lot of people in Ark City. Those people dont have to go to church either.
    You have asked the question.
    Now you should answer it as well.
    What are you doing to help people in need, especially women who are pregnant and do not want to be for whatever reason?

  39. Obviously teaching abstinence is not working.

    usually when women are in a position of wanting an abortion, its a bit late for BC pills.
    i dont think that has worked in the secular culture either.
    the problem is spiritual.
    Our culture no longer values life, and does not value responsibility.
    that is the spiritual problem we have

  40. "So 1:07, Only the morally correct people are the ones that don't have abortions?"


    People with morals do still make mistakes and get unwanted preganancies. Nobody's perfect. But unlike the others, they then live up to those mistakes and raise the baby.

    You think anyone with morals would kill an innocent baby simply for convenience? Come on now.

  41. Stop the pregnancy before it happens. We have got to keep trying different ways. Its gotta start with the families that have their heads on the sand about sexually active kids. Maybe they should start handing out bcp's to prostitutes on the streets. Condoms too. Get that morning after pill more accessible(if i remember right, it will be sold soon in pharmacies behind the counter without a drs script) and make it cheaper. So many things should be done at once to blast this problem wide open. Of course, the only problem getting in the way is that five letter word. MONEY.

  42. Something everyone should simmer down and read!
