Thursday, June 25, 2009

really hot

Here is a chart showing record highs for this week. We are pretty close. With temperatures supposed to be around 100 tomorrow, we might have a shot. Today's official high was 102, but the bank thermometers were saying 107.
Its June, Its Kansas, its supposed to be hot.
be careful out there.
24 107°F (1918) 50°F (1961)
25 110°F (1911) 51°F (1958)
26 104°F (1911) 49°F (1958)
27 105°F (1936) 49°F (1903)
28 108°F (1914) 52°F (1903)
29 106°F (1933) 44°F (1923)
30 107°F (1925) 48°F (1902)


  1. Couldn't find the off topic post.
    Hey Ark City!!!!!
    Two vehicles CAN fit on the East Chestnut bridge at the same time. Those of us who have driven it for years know this. You who have never driven this way prior to the detour apparently haven't figured this out. It cracks me up that experienced drivers will come to a dead stop before the bridge if another vehicle is on or approaching the bridge. It could just be the heat. I wouldn't honk or gesture...but good grief -

    If you don't travel this route, you should check it out. Especially at the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM.

  2. He's not doing off topic posts anymore, thanks to one or two people that seem to have some major issues going on.

    Anyone trying frying some eggs on the sidewalk yet?? :)
    I love hot, dry weather, but I really hate all the moisture in the air this time around, jacking up the heat indexes.

  3. oops, "try frying some eggs on the sidewalk"

  4. In 1911 it was 110? I wonder if they were all screaming "GLOBAL WARMING!!!" and trying to change to electric cars?

  5. exactly!! hahah

    Climate change is a part of history and claiming it isn't is like denying the Holocaust. Global Warming is just a scare tactic by the Libs to get what they want and it's obviously working -- and they say only the Pubs use scare tactics!

  6. 1911 was a really hot year. I looked at the whole month of June, and 13 record highs still stand from 1911. A few in 1913 too. Nearly all for June were before the 60s.

  7. Having worked for the government I can tell you first hand they will lie to you and piss away your money and justify every every thing and that’s just at the municipal level.

  8. That is obvious to anyone with a brain, whether they've worked for government or not. More government is only good for the people who want more handouts. LESS GOVERNMENT is the key. LESS SPENDING would be nice too. My great grandchildren already have enough debt, and they won't be born for another 25-30 years.

  9. Imagine that - someone in KS wants to shrink govt down to where it can fit in a bathtub, claiming big govt is only good for welfare.

    Also just in...the Atlantic Ocean contains vast amounts of water.

  10. That bridge isn't safe! They can only patch holes in it for so long until it ends up in the water. I refuse to cross it, But if I have to I wouldn't ever do it with two cars on it. I used to live for 20+ years on the east side of town and had to cross it, And it just keeps getting worse.

  11. And your engineering degree is from where?
