Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Obama health care

President Obama has revealed a new universal health plan.
This is one area where I will depart from the conservatives. Our health system is great, if you have the money. If you don't, its not so great.
Here is a link to the story.


  1. OMG, everyone gonna start screaming socialism on this one! Watch out! Never mind the poor people should have access to health care too.

    Health insurance is great if you make around a hundred grand a year. Paying 5 or 6 grand a year is ridiculous on top of deductables and still gotta pay at least 20% after the deductable. I guess not too bad, as long as you don't get too sick! If I was going to start somewhere, I would take a look at some lawsuits that are frivilous and then the malpractice insurance costs the doctors pay, that dribbles on down the line to the consumer. Its a rather vicious cycle. My husband had to wear a 24 hr heart rate monitor, that sucker cost almost $800. Not including the reading. I remember a few years back when my dad was going to a cardiologist, he said it cost around $500 to take the blood pressure in one foot. Luckily the insurance paid for the other. Yeah he was sortof joking, but my point is, is that these things are way over priced and unfortunately, if government takes on covering more health care they will need to keep a wary eye out for rip off practices and put a cap on prices.

  2. If the gov ends up settling on a tax credit, I hope that it is in such a way that it will only go straight to the insurance company. Give em cash and you know a large part of the checks will go for other stuff.

  3. "OMG, everyone gonna start screaming socialism on this one!"

    Who are you kidding. We are already a socialist nation. I think we are getting used to it. At least until the next election.

    I just worry about the quality of universal healthcare, and how long the lines will be. And there are tons of horror stories about how someoen could have been saved but died because they couldn't get the right treatment. If all those things can be worked out, then maybe it has a shot.

  4. I hope they do go after healthcare fraud but I'm not optimistic that lawyers who make the laws can take on their "brothers" in the same business.
    If you hadn't seen the headlines on some of the internet sites they were attributing 60% of the bankruptcies to Healthcare costs.
    I think its going to take some tough minded people to right the ship. Again I'm not sure there are any who are willing to make the right and just decisions.
    I do agree with some type of system that requires a payment based on their ability to contibute and not based on the providers ability to charge.
    The last thing is my concern that like with anything Govenrment related. If you put enough money in one place the players will come out of the woodwork, then accountability suffers or is lost.
    I think for better accountability it should be administered on a local level by States or even counties.

    One side note: I had a realtive who was once on welfare and had 6 kids. She was divorced and the father of the children wasn't made to contribute his share of the responsibility. She actually shopped for the county with the best benefits for her family and moved.
    Its a shame when I know of people that have worked hard all their lives and paid their way-
    then due to a severe illness by a family member are forced into debt the rest of their lives.
    I actually know of some right now that didn't have insurance. They will pay what they can most likely for the rest of their lives.
    On the other hand their are those who know how to work the system and don't even contribute!

  5. I don't want the government more involved in health care than it already is.

  6. The health care system cannot be fixed until we stop giving free healthcare to illegal aliens who have never contributed to the tax base. That's the reason so many states are in the red.

  7. Its too bad the insurance companies continue to rip us off, then the government wouldn't have to step in and help. I'm so sorry you feel that way abbreviated. I don't know if you have insurance but I like to think of the people that don't and really need it, but are stuck in between and can't afford thousands a year for health insurance. I don't necessarily want to see more people getting free insurance, but it would be nice if it was more affordable. You all can gripe about Obama all you want, but all I see is a President that actually cares about people instead of his own righteous self like many others.

  8. I see Obama as someone who panders to the poor to get votes. The people who elected him are the ones with their hands out, while the people who didn't are going to be the ones footing the bill.

    And I agree that we are already a socialist nation, but we are getting closer to Marxism and communism every day.

  9. If a President would of stopped the bs along time ago, things wouldn't have got so out of control, so it would be nice if people stopped placing blame on one President. I disagre, I see Obama reaching out to the ones that don't make a million a year.

  10. I use to make 28k a year, a single mom (divorced) with two kids. I paid for my health insurance thru work that was 400/month. So I know people can afford health care. I bet most of those people who say they can't have cell phones for themselves and all their kids and more cable channels than I do! Or drive new cars. Sometimes it is about priorities people! And health care isn't a right, just like cell phones and cable isn't. I've heard of people that get free health care at the health dept -- why can't those people without insurance do that too? I know a girl that had two kids and didn't have to pay a dime, but since I had insurance, I still had to pay out of pocket -- but you know what -- I did it, because that's what you have to do. Pay for your services. Why is that so hard for some people to comprehend.

    I'm really worried what this country is coming to with everyone wanting a hand out and hating anyone who works hard for what they have. Obama and Pelosi thinks anyone that works hard needs to share it with those that won't -- that's crazy.

  11. I agree with the last poster,it would be great if we ALL made over a hundred thousand every year but most of us don't. I do have a good job, but have had a recent health problem. Even with my insurance, and my good job I am still buried with unpaid Dr bills. With Co pays, and deductibles and denials from the insurance company, they will put you in the poor house. It is high time we have affordable health care. Health care the insurance companies can't dictate whether you get the kind of care you need. The previous president had his chance to change the state of the country. The rich got richer, and the poor got poorer.

  12. There is some truth to that, some people just wont work and get what they can from the system.
    But there are also people who really are in need.
    Maybe medical care is a right.
    Our country is the most prosperous on earth, so maybe it would be ok to have health coverage for everyone.
    Insurance people and medical professionals are making a fortune. A profit is fine, but their profits seem out the window.
    I really dont see the problem with socialized health care. Ive heard some of the horror stories. However, I know several people living in countries with socialized medicine. They all rave about it.
    I knew of a couple who were living in Australia, and they stayed an extra 3 months so they could have their baby there and not have to deal with our insurance system.
    Just some thoughts.

  13. I use to make 28k a year, a single mom (divorced) with two kids. I paid for my health insurance thru work that was 400/month.
    Good for you, maybe you should pat yourself on the back. Not every company offers insurance. And I'm sure you know what goes on in everyone else's life. Not everyone is out here waiting for a hand out, some of us would just like the insurance companies quit ripping us off. Pre existing condition waits are bs, especially when it comes to a serious condition. Insurance companies are kicking themselves in the butt when they make the consumer wait a year(if they even pay at all) to seek treatment for a pre existing condition. Premiums and deductible are way out of hand and its time to stop these companies in their tracks.

  14. Our oldest son is in the AF National Guard. He was the recipient of a "free" airplane trip to Vegas to tour the base there. He is adamant that he will pay commercial air fare next time.

    If anyone knows a military person ask them how they like Tricare.

    State employees pay more & have higher deductibles.
