Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday morning

Good morning.
I finally found an internet connection that will work for a bit. I will have the site updated soon.
Cop notes, come cop stories and maybe some sports.
Should be there by noon.
Thursday police charged a man with stealing drugs from residents at Presbyterian Manor. Also, Thursday, a man was charged with holding a woman against her will and sexual battery.
I will have more on the festival soon as well.
It is going very well. The weather is about perfect. It was just a bit chilly last night, but that made it even better in some ways.
More coming soon.


  1. What a numskull. How much lower can someone get, stealing from the eldelies medications they need.

  2. I happen to know some people who work at the Presbyterian Manor, and that press release Wallace put out about that arrest was full of lies. The Manor staff did the majority of legwork on that investigation with a little help from the ACPD, and definitely no help from the KBI or County Drug Task Force. And then Wallace tries to make it sound like gangbusters.

    If that HIGHLY EXAGGERATED press release is typical of Wallace, I would wonder how much is true in any of the other press releases he puts out.
