Saturday, September 19, 2009

Just got this in my email, concerning events with Juden.
We have received information that the Patriot Guard will be arriving with the fallen soldier Adam Juden at the Strotherfield airport on Monday.   The tentative time for the arrival is noon at this time.  We will be tying yellow ribbons in his honor along the streets and at our entrance.  It would also be appropriate for people to line the streets with American Flags, etc during this time.  We hope that many will choose to participate in his honor. Thanks

Tuesday will be the service at Cowley.
I have heard that a certain band of obscenely stupid people might show up. as they are in the habit of doing at military funerals.
I want to suggest that they be completely, absolutely ignored. They seek publicity. If you react to them, or respond, you are giving them what they want. You know who i am talking about i am sure. I just do not want to feed into their game, so i wont even mention them by name.
Lets just ignore them.
They do have a right to freedom of speech. (Actually that question may end up at the supreme court).  And we have the right to not listen and to not respond. The patriot guard also has a right to crank their bikes up. Gotta keep those exhaust pipes cleared out you know. :)


  1. From what I am understanding Sgt Juden will be arriving at Strotherfield at about 11:00 on Monday morning. Patriot guards will be escorting them from strother to town. I am hoping every one will be out with their flags or just to be present to show their respect along the route from Strother to Rindts.

  2. JJ - you should not speak in such away about our fellow baptists from Topeka.

  3. The group from Topeka are a bunch ignorant right wing extremists that have no respect for anyone else's beliefs or ideas, but their own. They will have to answer for it someday.

  4. Any good Baptists I know won't use and teach their children the lauguage they use when protesting our soldiers funerals. I would use the word Baptist loosely.

  5. anyone can claim to be a baptist i guess
    they are not real baptists, and they are not christians either.
    it is writ ... by their fruits you shall know them. ..
    pretty easy to see their fruit, and where it comes from. they are from the devil itself,

  6. i have learned from 300 to 500 pat guard ricers will be here mon or tuesday for support of tylers funeral. they will meet at american legion and will need to be fed. any and all food donations will be welcome. bring by legion. thanks. d. i'm sorry but i will have a VERY hard time keeping my mouth shut if certain protesters show up. this ain't the time or place for them to push their agenda.d.

  7. here is a link to the patriot guard's site, with their schedule.

    dont know anything about the legion. if anyone has info, post it.
    see you all out there tomorrow.

  8. 2:43,

    Using the nuts in Topeka to take a swipe at the right? Shame on you.

    Although, FOR ONCE, the left's use of the term "extremist" fits the bill.

  9. Does anyone one know if this will be filmed live? I would like to be there to show support but can't since i have to work. :(

  10. learned time is 11:00 am for escort from strother. will feed guard both mon and tues after funeral at american legion. d.

  11. Hey 7:29AM

    I am not a liberal. I vote conservative most of the time. I just call them like I see them.

  12. i'm sorry but i will have a VERY hard time keeping my mouth shut if certain protesters show up. this ain't the time or place for them to push their agenda.d.

    Yeah....but if you give them even one ounce of attention...that is what they want. And if they show up, and any news agency gives them any air time....I will boycott their stations or papers. Freedom of speech is their right...Freedom to choose NOT to listen to their BS is mine. Rev up those bikes boys and girls!

  13. They are neither on the Right or Left, their just plain crazy. Leave the politics out of it. Most of us no matter what our party affiliation are Patriotic Americans.

    You get in the mud with the crazies when you start that crap.

  14. thats the spirit.
    i think they are demon possessed, seriously.

  15. Word is that the plane had to go to Ponca due to weather, so the route to Rindt's has changed.

  16. I don't care what religious denomination or political views a person follows. A good Christian, or person for that matter, should comfort a family in a time of loss. The Topeka crazies do no such thing.

  17. The bad thing about religious people doing horrible things is that they believe they are right, and they believe it is their lot in life to be persecuted for their beliefs.

  18. Shut up with the political statements... You want to make political statments on a thread about a solider dying in the line of duty- That to me is NOT OKAY.. Seriously this is NOT the time or the place. RESPECT AND HONOR.


    ditto. God Bless Young Mr. Juden's family. You are in my thoughts & prayers.

    Respect & Honor.


  20. It truly is a testament to how great of a city that we have been blessed to live in. When you come in all you see are so many ribbons and flags... All the businesses have been so awesome with adding the Thank you's to Tyler on their marquee's. I know that I got very emotional when I went down summit last night- I had chills.

    There was one business that I saw (as of last night)that wasn't paying a tribute to Tyler, Which I thought was shocking and sad.... Considering how this town pulled together for their daughter.

  21. I saw that as well last night but looks like they put a flag up today.
