Friday, September 25, 2009

interesting article

Here is a good column on anonymous posters, and censorship, and freedom of speech on the Internet.
Maybe the writer goes a little too far in calling for censorship, but i think he still raises some good points.


  1. Oh, that is taking a bit far. I'm sure soon they'll be saying our school kids will be chanting Obama and singing praises about him.

    Oh wait...

  2. "I'm sure soon they'll be saying our school kids will be chanting Obama and singing praises about him." Don't look now, but there is an actual video of schoolkids in N.J. being taught this very thing.

  3. Those praise and worship songs to Obama are just TOO MUCH! I couldn't believe that those children were being indoctrinated like that. Makes me very angry. Those teachers and administrators should be disciplined.

  4. Youre making the writers point :)
    interesting that the reaction here - and on his own article - is the left attacking the right, and the right attacking the left.

  5. You don't have to read the crap on the internet if you don't want to...

    7-8 year olds are very impressionable and usually do what their teachers tell them to do without question. I think that is what makes this hard to take.

  6. And that would be????? That Obama loves the little children....All the children of the world. Red and yellow black and white....What a horrible horrible message to teach chilren....Wouldn't that be absolutely horrible for impressionable 7-8 year olds to think that!Puhlease!

  7. Well you Dems do act like he is the Mesiah, it realy shouldn't be so shocking now that you are actually replacing Jesus' name with Obama's. It was just a matter of time.
