Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tiahrt on health care

I got an email this morning from the Todd Tiahrt for Senate campaign, outlining his position on health care. You all know I am a bit to the left on this issue, but I think it is important to consider all angles and viewpoints.
Republicans are saying they see a need for reform, but they dont want the government involved. They want the medical industry and the insurance industry to police themselves I guess. This is like putting foxes in charge of henhouse security.

He has a video outlining his position which can be viewed here.

He has also created a place on his site where you can comment and ask questions. You may get there by clicking here.

Below is part of his email.

Many on the left have accused conservatives of being the "party-of-no." This is unfair and untrue. I will always stand against any plan that will implement a government controlled barrier between you and your doctor. I will always stand against any plan that will burden our children and grandchildren with, by some estimates, more than a trillion dollars in foreign controlled debt.

I believe we need to reform our healthcare system. There are far too many hardworking Americans who are uninsured; far too many Americans are one bad accident away from financial ruin. There are things we could do right now to increase competition and make health care more affordable for more people: make it tax deductible for individuals to purchase policies and get rid of artificial barriers like prohibiting people from buying policies from companies in neighboring states.

1 comment:

  1. i really have a problem with a fine if you don't have health ins. how the $%&*% can we pay a fine if we can't afford the @@$% ins? if i could afford it don't they think i would have it. no i don' smoke or drink or go to the casinos. hope i'm hearing this wrong. d
