Monday, September 21, 2009

Walnut Valley

Another Walnut Valley Festival is done. The festival made a huge rebound after struggling with the weather last year. There were around 200 more campers this year than two years ago. I dont know where they would put any more campers, the grounds were very full. But Im sure they will find the space if needed.
I dont have numbers yet, but it seemed as full of people as I have ever experienced.
Camping was a whole different experience though, than just driving up every day.
It was great having my campsite not far away at all, so I could just "go home" for a minute any time i needed to.
The Pecan grove gets all the attention and is legendary, but I was in the "other" campground, called the walnut grove or the west campground. It is actually closer to the stages, and from my experience, I liked it better than the Pecan grove.
I did wander around the Pecan Grove some. It is very cool and fun, but it is kind of a different world than the festival itself. So it is just a matter of taste or personal preference. I am already thinking next year about how to get the same spot I had this year in the "other" campground.
Every morning it looked like it was going to rain. In fact it did rain for just a minute on Sunday morning. But by mid day the skies were clear every day, and more often than not, the weather turned hot.
Maybe that was just a little reminder of last year, and what could happen. The music gods were smiling on us.
Another great festival.

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