Tuesday, September 22, 2009

twittering and the white house

Ive started tweeting. Im on Twitter.com now. Not sure what it all means yet.
But,  i hooked up to the white house's tweet and they just sent out some stats on health insurance.
They have not given up on reform.
Here is a link


Here is a link to my new twitter page


  1. There was a democratic member of congress on Morning Joe this morning saying that people just didn't understand the President's plan, and that they will be more accepting of it after they have passed it against their will.

    The approval rating for the President's plan stands at 39% in the latest polls, yet they are hell bent on pushing it through anyway, because they think they know what is best for all us ignorant backwoods hicks who don't know anything.

    Well Mr. President, this backwoods hick knows Socialism when he sees it.

    My prediction: They will push it through against our will, and then Obama will be a one termer like his pal Jimmy.

  2. I agree with you SG. The Dems seem to think it has to be done while they have the majority vote. They really don't care about the people they are supposed to represent!
    But, I really don't see anyone who is willing to step up and lead. Not even in the Repubs.
    You would think that private sector business would be offering solutions but their all looking somewhere or nowhere else for the answers. Or simply awaiting the outcome!
    Maybe the leadership will have to come at much lower levels including those that locally.
    I just recently read an article that was based on another article by the Detroit Free Press. In the Obama Healthcare plan the UAW was going to get a substantial amount of taxpayer money to prop up their union healthcare plan. That includes tax money from those who don't even have healthcare coverage today but then would be covered under a separate (government) plan!
    When we get to the point of using Government to decide what people deserve or get instead of what they earn WE need to seriously question that type of Government!

  3. BTW: SG, its time to get back to finding responsible answers that allow people to earn their own way!

  4. I agree. It's just a shame that more and more people don't want to earn their own way. They'd rather have it taken from those who worked for it and handed to them.

    IMHO, that's why Obama is the POTUS; His plan to "redistribute the wealth".

    I was always taught to work for what I wanted, but many are taught that everything they want or need is owed to them. And liberals perpetuate this idea.

  5. I was always taught to work for what I wanted, and needed as well, and always have done well for myself. BUT, can you say pre exsisting condition? Yes, everything I have worked for, and some things I need could be gone, because of the system, and of course fate. Then where will I be? One of those people you say are a leech to society? Some one that is worthless and drag those hard working tax payers down? I don't want a hand out, I just want some regulation that will keep the insurance company from rejecting me because of a pre exsisting condition, with affordable rates. It is easy to talk about what this country needs when you are a healthy, younger, strongly opinionated, individual. Let's see how you feel in twenty-thiry years. My prayer for you is that you remain healthy.
    I have worked for everything I have ever gotten. And soon, the hospital and medical services could have it all. Then what? I try not to think about it

  6. It is always conservative rhetoric that you can work hard and get ahead. That you can have whatever you want if you work hard for it.
    I am just not convinced that it is true.
    What the reality is, if you work hard for a huge corporation, IT will get ahead and get what IT wants, .. and the moment you are no longer useful they can toss you aside and accuse you of wanting a handout.

  7. I agree with the last 2 posts, you can work your butt off til the day you die and still may never get ahead. So many things can factor in to what can change ones life in an instant. I feel damn lucky that my husband and I can afford insurance now because at one time we couldn't afford insurance or go to the doctor unless we were really sick. Its a crying shame that some people can be so selfish about pointing fingers at others and catergorize everyone into the same selfish lazy group that wants handouts. In my opinion, I say start with regulating the insurance companies and if they don't get off their high horse then put in a public option to help people that need it.

    @anon sept 24, 7:58 am... you are in my prayers and I hope you get the medical help you need.

    @ Sg...were did you get your poll results? Does it cover every class of america or does it cater to a certain catagory of citizens that are able to afford their own insurance? As I recall, Obama made it clear in his campaign, that he was going to try to get everyone health insurance, and he still won the election. So if we think about it, those poll results may be skewed somewhat.

  8. I was always taught to work for what I wanted, and needed as well, and always have done well for myself. BUT, can you say pre exsisting condition? Yes, everything I have worked for, and some things I need could be gone, because of the system, and of course fate. Then where will I be?

    It is not my intent to be insensitive to your position. But, what makes you think that a Government led option would be in your favor or save your life or life savings?
    Finding responsible solutions and answers does need to include your type of situation as well as identifying ways to help those that are not blessed with the same physical and mental abilities that might put them at a disadvantage!
    But when it comes to choices like:

    The destruction of the family unit structure (like divorce and the cost to maintain two sets of expenses and then subsidize it with government aide)
    The promotion or tollerence of self destructive behaviors. (like drugs etc.)
    Promoting ways to beat the system through
    fraud and corruption.
    (Forcing couples to divorce to avoid extreme medical expenses or even to get more benefits through SS or Medicare than they could get as a married couple. Then don't forget those who choose to have families don't get married and then live together while they reap the benefits of government aide.
    Rewarding sloth instead of effort.
    (The fact that it is often more profitable to get an income from unemployment, workmans compensation or disability than to take a lesser paying job and harder to find a decent wage.
    You can raise a family on AFDC and SSI as well as other goverment programs even if you are an illegal citizen. WHY WORK?

    With each passing generation it becomes more evident that Government has the answers! The society we once had is not what we have today and the once hailed American Dream is in peril!

  9. I may not have been clear enough in my post. The 39% statistic I quoted (people who approve of the President's plan) came from the same program (Morning Joe).

    I do believe there are reasons why people need to seek help rather than getting out and working hard. The reference I made was not about those people.

    Would you deny that there are leeches to the system who COULD get out and get a job, but refuse to?

    I myself have lived through tough times, and if not for medical insurance, would be in deep debt. Even though my salary was not very high, I had medical insurance that paid the majority of the bills when it was needed. Responsible adults find a way to pay for the insurance their family needs.

    I do agree that insurance reform is something I'd like to see happen. If insurance companies were allowed to compete across state lines, that would go a LONG way toward making health insurance more affordable. Through competition, not government regulation. It's the government's fault (most likely because of lobbyists from the insurance companies) that the state monopolies exist.


  10. Public OPTION does not equal socialism. Yes I agree there are leeches, but we then punish everyone in the same class and not offer them an option, even though they are working? We live in a more affordable area, but there is lot of people in the west or east making same wages, but still can't make ends meet and afford insurance.

  11. Public OPTION is step one toward SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM which leaves no OPTIONS at all.

    We already have PUBLIC OPTIONS such as SSI for people who need it.

  12. How bout a public option for people that aren't old enough for ssi or can't quite qualify for disability? I do know some people that are in that predicament. Lost several jobs because of their illness,living with different people because they can't pay the rent. Nah, lets just forget bout them, let em suffer.

  13. SSI is for anyone isn't it? I know a girl who was on it in her 20's because of a disibility.

    If their illness is keeping them from working, then that is what disability is for. Maybe they are not as disabled as they'd like you to believe?

  14. How bout a public option for people that aren't old enough for ssi or can't quite qualify for disability?


    You might want to check your information on SSI.
    Last I knew they were allowing it for children with ADD ADHD etc. at early ages.

  15. SG,

    Did you read tonight's paper? The article about KPERS. It is OK short term but for all intent and purposes BK long term.
    Those promises of early than normal retirement can't continue.
    That's just another case of Government making promises they can't fulfill - they are reccomending changing to a 401K type plan
    going forward.
    While I don't like the outcome and I am not a participant - I don't think you can expect the taxpayers to bail this current plan out!

  16. Responsible adults find a way to pay for the insurance their family needs

    I raised my kids with absoulutely no help from the government, although there were probably times I did qualify. It wasn't always the best of the best but I did manage to keep insurance for my kids during that time. However, times have changed. I see many responsible adults that have been layed off and even with what the government assists with cobra the insurance is too high for them to pay on unemployment. I see many adults with children that work jobs that can't/won't offer insurance for their employee's. I see many adults with educational issues that have to work these low paying jobs because they have educational barriers. Mind you they are not stupid, they maybe didn't have the opportunities that you or I have had.
    I find it very difficult to read how some people will sit on their pedistal and look down on those who are less fortunate than they are. Granted there are going to be some excess baggage in every program, but just because of a select few, why make the masses pay. God forbid you ever get knocked off that pedistal and find out how some people have to live....God have mercy.

  17. Kansas offers free medical insurance for children when their parents are unemployed or even employed with a salary that is 200% above poverty level or less. It's called HealthWave.

    Kansas HealthWave was created to provide health insurance coverage for uninsured children in the state of Kansas who are less than age 19. in 1998 there were more than 60,000 uninsured children in the state. by the end of 2005 more than 37,000 of these children were eligible for coverage in the HealthWave program.

    To be eligible for HealthWave, children must reside within Kansas, live in a household with an income level within 200% of federal poverty level.

    Based on household income levels, some children will qualify to HealthWave without paying any monthly premiums, while others may pay either $20 or $30 per month.

    Surely a responsible parent can spend 20 or 30 dollars a month on their children's insurance? That is, if they're not drinking it, smoking it, or putting it in their arm.

    My point is, there are programs already in place to help those less fortunate. If we reform the way insurance companies operate across state lines, thereby reducing premiums by competition, THAT will be some healthcare reform I can get behind. Not socialism, where everyone is treated the same. Have you ever been to the health department? Imagine if that was your clinic.

  18. Here is the link to Kansa HealthWave. In case you know someone who could benefit from it.


  19. --------
    You might want to check your information on SSI....
    ..thankyou for that info, but it also says "It is designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people, who have little or no income." ?? Would you have to qualify for disability first if you are not old?young enough or blind???
    @ anon September 24, 2009 2:31 PM ...
    Yes this person is as disabled as I believe and it will get worse unless he can get medical help, but thankyou for your concern.

    people should know that Healthwave will provide insurance to the pregnant mother if income is low enough.
    @sg... Health wave is a great program, which I may point out that is funded by the government, correct???? So we have insurance provided for the elderly and the young, free or at an affordable cost. But what about the in between ages?? What about parent or parents getting sick that have no insurance due to wages, lost jobs, or whatever life threw them. Yes, I would prefer insurance reform first, but would/will they do that without government intervention? That is the biggie question we should ask!

  20. I have said I was for government intervention to the point of reforming the way insurance companies do business across state lines.

    Answer me this: How many government run programs do you want? It seems you want a society where the government will take care of everyone, whether they are able to do for themselves or not. In such a society, what will be the incentive to work hard? What will be the incentive to create a business, or invent a product, or a medicine? If everyone is going to be at the same level, why work at all? What kind of country would we have when you no longer have the rich people to tax?

  21. SG
    that seems to be the standard response from conservatives about ANY program that would actually help people.
    I have shown stats on here before. Our government spends more on corporate welfare than it does on social welfare. Meaning our government gives more money to businesses than it does to people.
    I dont hear you objecting to that :)
    Why is it ok to hand out money to corporations so they can make even more profit - but not ok to hand out money to people who are hungry or sick?
    You object to someone maybe getting $100 a week on welfare that he does not deserve, but not to executives (who are criminals) getting $100 million bonuses.....
    If you really are against government programs, why not start with billion dollar incentives to financial institutions that practice predatory financing that takes peoples money and then steals their property?
    Just look at the bank bailouts. THey created the mess our economy is in, so they get govt. subsidies to pay million dollar bonuses to those people running the show.
    Why do i not hear conservatives complaining about this?
    but let some poor loser get a couple extra bucks ... and you hear the cries ... whats wrong with this picture?

  22. That is my point exactly CC, what about those who have a pre exsisting condition. I don't want my kids to have to take care of me because everything I have every worked for went to the hospital and drug companies. From what I am understanding, some people think that is just fair business practice.... Of course they are probably not someone in that situation. Keep up the corporate welfare and let the sick people die. That is the opinion of some. I don't want my children to have to take care of me because I have a pre exsisting conditon. By the way, healthwaves won't do a thing for me. I am too young for social security. Still working so I don't qualify for welfare. I do have a pre exsisting condition NOW tell me what bracket I am in? Insurance won't do anything for me buy deny me, where do I stand next to that pedistal you stand on SG?

  23. Our government spends more on corporate welfare than it does on social welfare--



    Did it ever occur to you that the same its the government!
    That they were never supposed to use the Government in the fashion it is being used today?
    That their real purpose and focus should be on refereeing competition and not on competing or supporting/favoring one over the other in competition.
    That they should be above being bought out by any industry/entity/group/country?
    The reason the American Dream was so successful was that the Government encouraged its citizens through work/business/ownership-risk taking!
    The reason it is faultering is because there is less or in some cases no incentives/alternatives in which to compete!
    The Governments job is to make the rule book for competition in the U.S. - Its time to update the rules and go by the RULE BOOK not make them as you GO!

  24. Sometimes rules are meant to be bent....especially if they are not working for everyone well, such as anon September 25, 2009 11:45 AM, that has a pre existing condition. I agree with JJ, maybe not all conservatives, but a large majority are shown to help the rich before they help the lower classes in need. What ever happened to being the land of opportunity? Its gone if life slams you a biggie and pulls you down. We could at least give those their health or to make them more comfortable if they have a non curable illness. Healthy people are usually productive people.

    No sg, I don't want the govs noses into everything, but they are already there in our banks and maybe its time to consider looking at the health care. Even if their is to be gov regulation of insurance, millions will still not be able to afford insurance.

    Life, liberty AND the pursuit of happiness....

  25. First, there is probably a plan that would take the person with the pre-existing condition. But,
    it probably would have a high premium - not knowing all the details. I know of some people that got insurance through The the C of C in Winfield's healthcare plan.
    Second, the Government does in some cases already take you down to poverty before you qualify for some of their programs! What makes you think they will all of sudden have a change of heart? They will most likely tell you what you can and can't have based on something like long term prognosis or age!
    Third, they have been bending the rules even throwing them out! Thats how we got where we are today! The same People you think will save us!
    We are headed for a two tier style of Government if people don't stand up and make a difference!

  26. First, there is probably a plan that would take the person with the pre-existing condition. But,
    it probably would have a high premium - not knowing all the details. I know of some people that got insurance through The the C of C in Winfield's healthcare plan.

    Your right, you don't know the details. I hope you never have to find out whether you can find insurance or not for a pre exsisting condition. Pray for good health is all I can say for you. There are sick people dying all over this country. All because they don't have health insurance. And healthy people are fighting it all because they are scared of change. Get sick and see how quick your life can change. And your attitude about major illness and insurance companies.

  27. I'm not looking to the gov to save us, but I expect the same treatment to lower income classes as the rich corps are catered too when a pub is in office.

  28. There are sick people dying all over this country. All because they don't have health insurance. And healthy people are fighting it all because they are scared of change. Get sick and see how quick your life can change. And your attitude about major illness and insurance companies.


    I should probably quit -
    But, there are also healthy people dying all over the country and the world! Even if they had healthcare what would you say to them? There are people all over the world dying from starvation or disease or simply murdered for no good reason!
    Were we ever really promised more than one day at a time?
    There are good things about our country that can't be found elsewhere, like the basic standard of living. (Food, water, sanitation etc.).
    The Government has a role in setting standards-
    we all benifit from those and it is mostly consistent throughout the country.
    That is the role of Government to help identify and bring about those type of standards.
    We don't need a Government sponsored health alternative - especially when we have so much left to work through from the meltdown - BK
    retirment funds, BK states, high unemployment,
    record deficits and an aging population!
    What we need are standards/rules that allow for and encourage renewed competition/risk taking!
    In a discussion recenly over healthcare I said to a friend. Why don't we have mini-clinics or satellite operations that could operate a much lower cost and be competitive?
    His answer was - How are you going to fund them?
    In anything that is not Government related a surplus reduces cost while a shortage raises it!
    There is a already a well documented shortage of Doctors and Nurses! There is an attempt to supplement them with PA, CNRA, and CNA's.
    The Government can mandate change but only the Power of the Private Sector through Business can actually achieve the required demand! Because it
    involves so many more people!
    There is one last thought I want to leave you with - IMHO we are at a critical time and I am no expert! A few years ago there were 3 workers for every 1 person in retirement. I think the projection was that there would be 1 worker for every 6 in retirement when the babyboom generation peaked.
    This is not the time to hand over the keys to healthcare to a Government that wants to make decisions for you or your Family.
    Don't let the Politicians use the financial pressures to make decisions about healthcare!
    Make them accountable for their actions!

  29. I should probably quit -

    Your right!

  30. After yet another rant about corporate welfare, JJ said: "Why do i not hear conservatives complaining about this?"

    Because that wasn't the topic of the thread. And no, I all conservatives I know, do NOT support the government handing out billions in corporate welfare. Where did you pull that information out of? Never mind, I bet I know already.

  31. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090928/ap_on_re_us/us_tv60_minutes_vanity_fair_poll

  32. Those are some dumb people taking that poll. I do agree with Obama timing the Afghanistan pullout with the election though.
