Friday, September 25, 2009

updates, and honoring our troops

Cop notes are posted.
I have an idea for a new page to honor our men and women serving in the military.
We could post information about them, who they are, where they are, what they are doing and that sort of thing.
Maybe even some of them could send information.
If people will send me the information, I will post it on a page on the site.
Someone had talked to me about this awhile back, but I cannot remember who it was.
Anyways, let me know what you think.
Several pages have been updated. Sports and cowley college being two of them.
I am going to update the hunting and fishing page next. Should be done by noon.


  1. On the subject of cop notes, do you know why the poloice and ambulance were in the 1500 block of West Colorado Wednesday night? They have been at that house a LOT.

  2. Hey James, while you're at it, what ever happened to the drug possession and sale case against Mashall Ice and his wife? I have never heard an outcome.

    I'm guessing either a) slap on the wrist b) plea bargain, or c) charges dropped.

  3. "do you know why the poloice and ambulance were in the 1500 block of West Colorado Wednesday night?"

    Why don't you stay in your own yard and work on your spelling!

  4. 3:04 Why don't YOU stay out of things that don't concern you. I have a right to know what goes on in my neighborhood. Since the police are there about once a week, and the "victim" usually runs from house to house trying to get held because they don't have a phone. And WHAT, POLICE doesn't have an extra O? Ever hear of a TYPO dupshot?

  5. haha she tries to get HELP, not snuggle.

    There's your typo again, whatever shall I do? I guess my fingers just aren't as smart as yours. haha

  6. Hmm I would love to know as well. There is so many times the police AND ambulances go down Colorado street. I live in that area and see this almost weekly and it's always the same street.
