Friday, September 25, 2009

praise obama

A video is making its way around the Internet showing children singing what are essentially praise songs about Obama. They take the song, Jesus loves the little children, and inserts Obama.
Of course the republicans are having a field day with it.
Dems are playing it down.
The teacher who did it last February, retired at the end of the school year. It was of course never meant to be taped and released. But school officials say it was just part of Black History Month festivities and only happened once.

Here is the video


  1. Awww, how sweet. If you like communism.

  2. Since I vote for who I want to vote for reguardless of their party.... I say BFD!!!!

  3. It is a big deal when teachers push their party affiliation onto young impressionable children like this. It is SICK! If that teacher was not already retired, I'd be calling for their resignation. This seems a lot like what Nazi Germany and modern day North Korea does. Exhalting their mighty leader. POlitics have no place in the classroom at that age, and the politics of the teacher should not be pushed on students at ANY age.

  4. Yep, Obama Himself mandated that every teacher in the USSA make the half pints sing praise songs about Him. I heard that if they do not comply they will be aborted immediately via death panel. In Kenya. By ACORN.

  5. Wow, retroactive abortions.
    Only obama could do that. :)

  6. 10:40, Are you trying to make the people who disagree with this look bad by claiming they blame Obama?

    Do you see anyone blaming Obama? I believe the poster above you said "The teachers", not Obama.

    I guess when you're on the losing end of an issue, the best tactic is to change the issue.

    Nice try.

  7. I thought it was sarcasm.

  8. Yes its the teachers fault, but that poster is the one making the crack about "exahalting their mighty leader". The poster knows exactly what they are doing.

  9. Of course, we would be more concerned about this than we are about the junk our children are exppsed to daily via the hot media. A song about the current President - heaven for bid a child think someone of power and high profile care about them - would be far more damaging than the impudent messages about immorality, disrespect and self-destruction that are available to even younger children daily.

    That is more of a threat to the kids than the programs airing while chioldren are viewing that promote homosexuality, show graphic depiction of murder or wind their theme around promiscuity and casual sex. Lets not worry about those influences.

    Let's express outrage over that homemade song about the President and then turn the TV on to the smart mouthed Hana Mountaina and leave the kids to tend to themselves. Or as Hana says in her show daily, don't let the door knob hit you where the good lord split you.

    I love how we get animated about the right things.

  10. Now you take exception with saying they are exulting their mighty leader?

    Isn't that exactly what they are doing? Is Obama not the leader of the country? Are they not singing his praises? I think you lost this debate already. No one in thir right mind can find the actions of those teachers appropriate.

  11. haha You liberals keep on dancing around the issue. It suits you. Of course, what else could you do, it's obviously a wrong action on the part of the teacher(s), and since you can't defend your Obama loving brethren, you simply dance around it. Reminds me of Ashley Simpson on SNL. Hey, I'm busted.. might as well dance a jig. lol

  12. I really can't believe some of the stuff I read on this blog sometimes, some people will just fuss about anything. What is so wrong with the children singing about a president that does love the little children? It doesn't mean that these children are going to grow up to be little killer robot Democrats. Not hardly...
    And comparing this to Nazi germany is so lame... They were not singing the praises of anialating a race were they? I think not. Nice attempt but making a lame point.
    Charles is right...sometimes people just won't get upset about really important things. They want to quibble about one song, one time.
    The teacher is probably very proud to be able to teach a dozen children a little song about a newly elected president that has a soft spot in his heart for the children durning black history month. Whether you want to admit it or not....Obama made history when he was elected by the MAJORITY. It IS history... He didn't win it by getting a few miscounted votes in is brothers state. Give the teacher a break...Give us a break! It is what it is, one teacher, one time.

  13. I left two weeks ago. Interesting to see how some things never change.

  14. What's interesting is that the liberals on here keep showing time and time again why this country is going to hell in a handcart.

  15. indoctrinate  
    Pronunciation [in-dok-truh-neyt]

    –verb (used with object), -nated, -nating.
    1. to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., esp. to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view.
    2. to teach or inculcate.
    3. to imbue with learning.

    indoctrination, noun
    indoctrinator, noun

    1. brainwash, propagandize.



  16. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ---snort---did someone say something?

  17. Nope, go back to sleep. We'll wake you when Obama gets crucified and rises from the daed.

  18. Charles,
    Why can't everyone stay out of my livingroom and let me, the parent, worry and control what my kids watch. I would just like the schools to teach my kids to read and write and add 2 + 2. Reading, writing and spelling is a lost art anymore. Teachers should stay out of politics!

  19. You could control what they learn as well, it is called home schooling. That way you can control every aspect of your childs life. You can assure that your child will be programed just like you want that way. Scary thought...

  20. Yea, that is scary to think you should raise YOUR child the way YOU see fit. Oh my. What is this world coming to. After all, isn't that a parents job?

    I know Hillary confused you when she said it takes a village -- so you thought everyone else should do it for you. I feel like it is my responsibility as a parent.

  21. 10:01,

    I could not agree more. Bravo!

  22. no one knows, but, i was just wondering....what would people have said if a teacher had come up with such a song with "G.W. BUSH" inserted...

  23. Easy one, then the liberals would be mad!!! :)

  24. It's not right either way. Politics should be kept out of schools, especially young children!

  25. Absolutely. That teacher should be disciplined.

  26. Then we shouldn't elect school board members? There is politics anyway through and through! YOUR job is to teach your own kid. Regardless what they hear at school...That would mean you have to take the time to talk to them.....What are you going to do to a retired school teacher anyway...take away her benifits? Let it go.

  27. "Let it go." Yup. that's about all you can do. Consider this was put on youtube back in June, and it was just ONE class that got the treatment. Gotta admit, it was a low blow. Oh well.

  28. Well, I bet it doesn't happen again. I'm glad this was brought to the public's attention so other teachers would think twice before they try to push their politics off on other people's children.

  29. Interesting how the people who still LOVE Pres. O are strangely silent on this one. OR try & change the subject. Their silence is deafening.

  30. I think that comes from the unrealistic expectations we have chosen to place on Big Government!
    Then the fact that we don't really understand our own form of Government! The true Power of the Creative Destruction caused by Capatilism!
    If you follow the negative thinkers those who say it is all evil! Then you totally miss out on those who see beyond the present to a better future!
    Those who are working for that future and the things they can bring about through their actions.
    If you listen to the right people there things around the corner even new industries in their infancy.
    I think we have chosen the wrong role models and then we get surprised when they fail!

  31. Their silence is deafening.

    There ARE those of us who do think Prez Obama is doing a good job, but those who don't like him fail to hear what we say. So it isn't that we are silent, it is you only hear what you want too.

  32. I would like to offer an apology to my conservative friends on behalf of myself and all my leftist cohorts. See, we were so busy not loving America that we did not formulate the appropriate level of fake outrage that this incident deserves.

    Songs sung about the historic accomplishment of the first and newly elected African American president during Black History month was an oversight on our part, the fact the songs were part of a program which included songs about other presidents and/or leaders who affected the civil rights movement were insensitive and lastly sending out parental notification slips (including the lyrics to the songs)to all the parents prior to the performance was indeed abusive indoctrination. We thought we you were on board with the commie-nazifying of your children since no complaints were raised before, during or after the program.

    Please accept our sincerest apologies. We will undoubtedly be more proactive in formulating the appropriate level of outrage during your next Fox News driven choose your own paranoid, fact free, fun zone adventure.

  33. LOL! Ditto...Byte you crack me up!!!
    one of your leftist cohorts

  34. You are so funny byte. It is just sad that you have chosen to use what little wit you can muster to preach for the coming utopia Obama will surely usher in. All we ever hear from you is "More Government, More Government"; "Take from the rich and give to the poor"; and how can we forget "killing babies empowers us women."

    You liberals are the reason this country is in the shape it is in, and speeding toward an early grave.

  35. I guess her humor is lost on me. I don't think she's funny. Just sad.

  36. Whose living-room?
    I think it's a great time to get outside and do some things. This does appear to be a spirited debate. We should have walk-a-thon with one team for either side.
    Raise funds by receiving pledges to go towards some identified need in the community. Maybe we could donate it as seed money for the Relay for Life next year. That would be a neat way to use some energy, relieve a bit of distress and help others who are having a tough time.

  37. Byte prefers to watch all the sunshine and hoopla on MSLSD instead of Fox News. They fill her full of love and send her our way.

  38. @ 11:28

    I'm curious, who exactly are you quoting there?

    @ 1:02

    False! I watch Fox News daily. How else would I keep up with Michelle Malkin, Judge Napolitano, Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Rasmussen polling or what the body language expert has to say on O'Reilly? Or what about Glenn Becks fetish for SEIU, ACORN, TIDES and George Soros?

    I am like the diversity czar you've been warned about. Stand up America and come follow me.

    Micro-Soft d-LySergic acid Diethylamide? That's pretty nerdy. Are you sure you're not a D?

  39. Yeah, because everyone knows Democrats are the only smart people in the world. Careful Byte, your elitism is showing.


  41. Byte,

    I don't really think its as much about left and right as it is about "Right and Wrong".
    I can't bring myself to understand the true source of division when it comes to things we all agree could be improved!
    But, do we really have to go that far back in history to see that some of the things we are suggesting today haven't been tried elsewhere?
    That they didn't work and won't work today?
    If you haven't kept up on the news Russia was a prime example of the Government will take care of you mentality. They had no incentive to plant or harvest their crops - which resulted in long bread lines. Today Russia has an Alcohol problem!
    If you follow India there is a huge split in the standard of living partially because they have no infrastructure. Food is so high that it consumes a large part of their income. But one of their problems is they can't get it from the fields to the areas it is needed! Food is plentiful in the U.S. and yes we do have those who are starving!
    But, when you talk about the U.S. it is far ahead of most of the rest of the World!
    When it comes to the Government - there is nothing that prevents us from going to a flat tax or a consumer tax that would help equal out some of the inequalities. Rather than specifically pick out one group as evil and punish them for their success or hard earned wealth!
    What you have to consider is that Government itself causes some of the inequalities by their very own programs and policies! They lock groups into sub-classes and keep them there as dependants!
    When will we ever reach the point that we recognize the problems as problems and seek to find the answers together as united?
    There are those who choose to build and those who choose to tear down but even worse and the ones to be most feared are those who choose to control!

  42. @ 4:33

    I do not see the government as an entity that should take care of me but an entity that should protect me. I don't mind paying taxes for police, fire, EMS, military, infrastructure, education or other public services which protect me. Including government playing a role in regulating companies who interact in our communities through either employing Americans, American consumption or affecting the environment in which Americans live. Government has an absolute role in public life in my opinion.

    I believe in capitalism but not at the cost of human beings. I don't want to live in a society that games people out of their homes, cars, pensions or health care to meet a bottom line. I think middle class people deserve a damn chance when they've worked hard their entire lives. I absolutely believe in personal responsibility, personal liberty but I believe that corporations (and individuals gaming the system) need to start playing by the same rules you and I have to live by.

    I don't think it's fair that we put more restrictions on those who receive state welfare then corporations who receive billions of dollars in bailout monies, tax breaks or subsidies. I don't think it's fair that we are nation building countries (while people in our own live in tent cities) and providing single payer health care to the citizens of Iraq - yet we have to maybe, possibly hope for a public option for Americans. I don't think it's fair that politicians fight for protections for Wall Street or credit card companies and then obstruct consumer protection bills or try to strip away our rights to sue corporations which have wronged us (arbitration). I don't think it's fair that we have politicians who want to restrict funding for our public schools but vote to grant huge contracts to businesses in their districts.

    I'm not a socialist and I have never advocated for socialism but what I do believe in is balance. You know, liberty and justice for all.

    You think government is the problem - I don't. I think the problem is the people we've elected to run it.

  43. Byte,

    I don't believe I ever said we didn't need Government! I do think that society in general tends to expect Government to deal with its problems!
    I also agree that Government should work to responsibly resolve extremes and excesses and seek to find a balance both for itself and in Society!
    I also agree that it doesn't seem to matter who gets elected - the politicians aren't the ones who are running our country!

  44. I don't think it's fair that we put more restrictions on those who receive state welfare then corporations who receive billions of dollars in bailout monies, tax breaks or subsidies.
    AMEN Byte. THey want to give drug tests to people who get welfare . but no one has suggested drug tests for CEO's who get corporate welfare, let alone bailouts.
    Whenever there is talk of welfare reform, its always aimed at those at the bottom .. rarely at the top.

    One thing we need to realize is that WE ARE the government. It is For the people and BY the people.
    What if the majority wanted the government to provide free soft drinks for every citizen? In a democracy, I would say in that situation the govt should do that, if it is the will of the majority.

    The role of government is to preserve law and order. I think its great that the cops catch some druggies, drunk drivers and thieves. But law enforcement should extend to the corporate boardroom as well. Dont you think?
    That is part of what healthcare reform is all about. If insurance companies and drug companies acted responsibly, there would be no need to reel them in.

  45. JJ, ever hear of Barney Madoff? I can think of lots of big wig business tychoons who went to jail for breaking the law. Don't act as if they are immune, or pretend that the right supports their lawlessness any more than the left does. We on the ground hate the fact that the money went to the bailouts, but there is nothing we can do about that now, is there! We CAN do something about socialized healthcare, and as you can see from yesterday's vote in the senate, we ARE doing something about it. It FAILED! And the amendment signed by many republicans to make government officials fall under the same socialized haelthcare they are trying to push off on us FAILED as well, because not one Democrat would agree to it. NOT ONE! It's good enough for us, but not for them.

  46. This conversation is getting really old. Its obvious that neither side agrees on what to do, but both parties agree something should be done. Why would they agree to the same socialized insurance as the people when they got their grubby hands on the best of the best. Obviously all this talk on public insurance is not scaring the insurance companies, since they are jacking up rates again.

  47. @ 6:49

    Oops. First, I really appreciated your post and I forgot to mention that. Second, I didn't mean to imply you said something you didn't. I was addressing the concept of small government and not you specifically. It was late and if you haven't noticed, I get riled up sometimes =(

    Would you expand on what you mean by society expecting government to take care of its problems though? Could you give me an example of something society expects from the government that it shouldn't?

    @ JJ

    Individuals being anti-regulation is a phenomenon I do not understand - at all.

    @ 7:47

    Um, if you are talking about amendmant 226 which was introduced by Tom Coburn on HR 3200 - it passed in the HELP committee with Democratic support. If you are talking about H.Res.615 - it is not an amendment but a non-binding resolution which is not intended to become law. If you read the actual text of the resolution is doesn't force anything - only urges. It is political posturing - period.

    All that is a clarification and besides the point though. Why would we imposes requirements on politicians and their staff when those requirements will not be imposed on the general public. It's a public OPTION, not a requirement.

  48. "If you read the actual text of the resolution is doesn't force anything - only urges. It is political posturing - period."


    Amendment, resolution, whatever! the point is, it "urges" the politicians who sopposedly serve our best interests, and serve at our whim, to be subject to the same healthcare plan that we, the general public, will be subject to. And not ONE democrat would sign it. It just goes to show that what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.

    If government agreed to be subject to the same healthcare they are trying to push on us, then we wouldn't be having this discussion, because no one would be standing in the way of that.

    What we ARE (successfully, so far) standing in the way of is substandard socialized healthcare that will be watered down for the masses.

    Option? Riiiiight. We all believe that standing on our heads.

    For the first few years it might be an "option". Then, when government has succeded in running the insurance companies out of business, what "option" will we have then? Obama has said himself he sees us going to a one-payer system in 10 or 20 years if he has his way.

  49. Exactly - just words.

    And Amendment 226 passed ONE committee. It's not going to end up in the final bill so quit patting yourself on the back.

    And it passed by only 1 vote. Yippee.

  50. @ 11:31
    Let's see...Amendment 226 was created by a Senator and HR 615 was created by a Representative. So two different parts of Congress working on this Health Care reform. There are several amendments and resolutions. Thanks for pointing that out. However, one doesn't invalidate the other no matter how you try to spin it or however it was spun for you.

  51. "A single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that’s what I’d like to see. But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately. Because first we have to take back the White House, we have to take back the Senate, and we have to take back the House."


    "I have not said that I was a single payer supporter...."


    I wonder when they make us have that single payer system if Congress is still exempt from that too?

  52. Someone tell Joe Wilson he was right. Dems just voted down photo-ID requirement to get Government insurance. So how are they going to enforce it again?

    More words, just words.

  53. It's also true that Obama plans to make all illegals "legal".

    So technically the plan won't be covering "illegals". They will all be legal after being given amnesty.

    Boy, all you immigrants who stood in line and paid thousands to become legal citizens sure are dumb. All you had to do was break the law and wait for a Democrat to get in the white house.

  54. Does that mean the immigrants that went thru the legal process get a refund? Because I would SOOOOO want a refund!

  55. No, they just get a lesson about how it's easier just to do things illegally versus legally here in the good ol U.S. of A. After all, 12 to 20 million illegals will get rewarded for breaking our laws.

  56. @ 12:35

    It is political posturing and undermines the purpose of a public OPTION. Plus if all the D's left their employer provided insurance for a public option wouldn't they be doing exactly what R's said would happen if such a program existed? D's are damned if they do and damned if they don't meanwhile R's are playing games and offering no solutions.

    If R's support the private market then why don't they get off FEHBP, their government benefits - and Medicare as a sign of actionable resolution?

    @ 12:54

    It shouldn't make the final bill in my opinion because it's nonsense.

    @ 2:23

    The Grassley photo verification amendment didn't pass because the Baucas bill already requires applicants to be verified through the Social Security Administration and immigrants through Department of Homeland Security. Grassley's amendment was unnecessary.

  57. @ 4:03

    Could you provide a source for the statement, "It's also true that Obama plans to make all illegals 'legal'". Thanks!

  58. /s it's Baucus??

    Seems anyone can make a mistake huh? Even YOU! (GASP)

  59. Allow me... The Washington Times - Legalize Illegals to get them health care

  60. The Dems amendments are not very specific and leave the back door open on alot of these issues. That's whey the Pubs offer these amendments or resolutions -- because they would be willing to go along with some of this health care bill if it was more specific. But the Dems vote those down everytime. Why? Because they're trying to be sneaky. And then their cronies can say, "yes they did, they have that in the bill" It's all BS. You know it, I know it, we all know it. So Dems have plenty of 'political posturing' of their own. Get over it Rachel.

  61. -------Its also true Obama plans to make all illegals, "legal."

    Excuse me, but I recall talk from our last President that he was wanting to grant immunity to all illegals. Obama is not the first or going to be the last to talk of makimg illegals "legal".

  62. Let's see, did he do it? No, because the majority of Americans did not want that. Will Obama do it, of course he will. Because he doesn't care what we want.

    I was merely providing the link that RoboByte seems to think didn't exist.

  63. Haha. First it was "Obama didn't say that", and then it was "Well, uh, Bush said it first".


  64. @ October 1, 2009 12:32 PM Sorry, but I don't recall saying "Obama didn't say that". I pointed out that Bush suggested it too.

    @ October 1, 2009 9:52 AM No Pres can do anything he just wants to do.
    Also I don't support amnesty to illegals.

  65. A liberal that doesn't support amnesty???? Can I believe my eyes? Please tell me that is a typo. What would Queen Nancy say?

  66. How are the Democrats ever going to stay in power if they don't give amnesty to 12 to 20 million illegals who will vote democrat in 2010?

    Are you for amnesty now?

  67. I think if the illegals who are here now ARE given amnesty (which I am fully against), I think there should be a clause that keeps them from voting since they came here illegally.

    How do you all feel about that? Good idea? Why or why not?

  68. I think that is great idea. But I'm sure Acorn has them signed up already.

  69. The Difference

    If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a liberal
    doesn't like guns, then no one should have one.

    If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal
    is, he wants to ban all meat products for everyone.

    If a conservative sees a foreign threat, he thinks about how to
    defeat his enemy. A liberal wonders how to surrender gracefully and
    still look good.

    If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly enjoys his life. If a
    liberal is homosexual, he loudly demands legislated respect.

    If black or Hispanic men are conservative, they see himselves as
    independently successful. Their liberal counterparts see themselves as
    victims in need of government protection.

    If a conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his
    situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

    If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches
    channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

    If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A
    non-believing liberal wants all churches to be silenced.

    If a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about
    shopping for it, or he may choose a job that provides it. A liberal
    demands that his neighbors pay for his health care.

  70. That is so true!!

  71. That, sadly, is right on the money. It's all about how people see themselves and the world around them.

    Nothing about abortion in that though. I would add...

    If a conservative has an unplanned pregnancy, they make plans for the baby. A liberal makes plans for themself.

  72. Would you expand on what you mean by society expecting government to take care of its problems though?


    Well Byte,

    This is a little late in coming but that might be for the better of JJ's blog!
    I won't take much time in descrbing the things that I think Society expects Of Goverment. Because it is listed on the sources of the News Media and Internet everyday!
    There have been sweeping changes in our Society that have resulted in the people looking to the Public Sector for decisions about their Private lives. With a divorce rate over 50% it is the lawyers and judges who make the decisions not the individuals. Why are we surprised when the younger generations see Government fulfilling the role of a Parent. When they see child support, public housing and AFDC/SSI as the income/breadwinners.
    As for some of the Social ills like drugs -
    There are plenty of examples that show us the results of self-destructive behaviors! You don't even have to leave the area to find them!
    The cost to keep them in prison or rehabilitate them is left to the Government!
    Then don't forget that we started them as drug addicts early in life on Ritalin and other behavior modifiying drugs. Drugs are good right?
    We have come along way Baby - in destroying the moral foundation on which our original Society was built.
    Even if we start today it would take Generations
    to reverse the trends of Modern Society!
    I don't think Government has that Answer!

  73. @ October 1, 2009 2:44 PM .. imagine that a liberal that doesn't believe in amnesty, why? Because in my opinion, if it was to be done, then even more illegals would start coming to the US and we'd be in the same predicament in a few years. And (gasp!) I also believe in the right to carry a gun.

    @ sg October 1, 2009 4:53 PM
    ... I am thoroughly surprised your response, I thought you was beyond the childish attitude of anon poster October 1, 2009 4:20 PM.

    @ October 1, 2009 7:09 PM ...where's your proof that ritalin and other behavior modifiying drugs causing kids to grow up and be drug addicts? My daughter took it, plus counseling and behavior thereapy and I don't see her popping pills, snorting or needle tracks in her arm and hanging out with the bad crowd. In fact I see a young lady that is making a success out of her life because of the right treatments. What I do see alot of is kids and teens (and some adults) not getting or able to get the help they need and trying to solve their problems with alcohol and illegal drugs.

  74. I think the point they were trying to make is that people are much too reliant on drug now days. Not necessarily the illegal kind.

  75. If a Dem doesn't believe in amnesty, then are they really a liberal, liberal?

  76. where's your proof that ritalin and other behavior modifiying drugs causing kids to grow up and be drug addicts?


    It is interesting that with all the information available you can find experts and opposing opinions on about any subject!
    If you read some of them regarding childhood brain development - there are those who see things like television as detrimental to youth development. It's hypnotic effect apparently stimulates areas of the brain more than others that along with diet!
    If you have been around the elderly they show some of the same inattention and inability to focus as the result of TV hypnosis!
    I think that old saying use it or lose it applies to all ages but especially to those who are early in development and those who are slowing down!
    The easy answer is to let the TV be the babysitter and use drugs!

    Btw: I once heard a Phsychiatrist say that when you really find a true drug addict - that they say using drugs was the first time they ever really felt normal and could really seem to focus on things!

    So, who's right?


    No, I'm no expert but, yes prescription drug addiction is bigger than illegal drugs!

  77. Just to stir things up even more.
    I know that feeling, of finally feeling "normal."
    It happened when I had my first cigarette.
    I still remember it clear as if it were yesterday. I was walking along a sidewalk smoking and thought .... this is what i have needed.
    Thank God it wasnt cocaine. :)
    There is the real problem of ADD.
    But ritalin and all those drugs were not around when i was a teenager. There are people who say that ADD is not an illness at all, but just a different way of seeing and reacting to the world.

    But, here is my theory.
    We are all born with an inner need for significance or a feeling of wholeness.
    It is a need for God, that only the Holy Spirit can fill. It is what Adam and Eve lost in the garden of eden. It is the idea of original sin, that took the spirit out of us.

    Of course we try other things, such as tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, to fill that hole.
    Others use sports, success even, to fill that hole. Business, any pursuit can be used.
    Even religion is a pretty good try.
    But the problem is the god-shaped vacuum we all have.
    Some people think their hole is getting filled up, but at some point, they realize it is not full.
    It isnt religion though. its discovering God and allowing God to fill you up.
    That is what can fill that hole up and give us a sense of wholeness and significance.
    Maybe i should make this its own post eh?

  78. Then how does that explain all the christians who are also drug addicts and alcoholics and smokers?

    And child molesters

    and rapists and murderers(BTK)

    Etc Etc.

    Not saying ALL christians are those things, but some are.

  79. We all have free will. We can choose to act like who we are, or we can choose not to.
    Remember parents telling kids to "act your age."
    God needs to tell some of his kids to do that too. :)
    There is a difference between one's Position and one's Condition.
    A lot of christians also dont realize that they have been set free. They are still trying to get filled up with the world instead of God.
    Then again, there are those that claim to be christians who are not...
    Jesus said, you will know them by their fruits.
    That idiot protestor who claims to be a preacher ... whose name i will not even mention ... obviously fits into that category.
    He may claim to be a christian, but he is clearly of the devil himself.
    So there are a few possible explanations :)

  80. I do agree that parents can sometimes be too quick to put their kids on medicine to solve problems. A responsible parent will carefully weigh the decision on whether to decide to use medicine or not, explore other reasons that may be causing problems first, try some behavioral therapy first. The child could be having any thing from allergies to problems in their home life to a simple learning disability. I started noticing some red flags when my daughter was in preschool, then barely made it through kindergarten and couldn't even read a simple beginning reader book or do simple math by the end of first grade because she couldn't focus or sit still. Needless to say she had to repeat first grade and thats when I made the decision to try the medicine. What a difference!!!! I've even got a thankyou from my daughter a few years back that I cared enough to do what I did. The point I want to make here is that it is not a phantom illness, I just think its overdiagnosed.

    @October 2, 2009 3:33 PM .. I'm no expert either other then experience with my child, but If one knows their research about ADD and ADHD, brain scans show in research that it is not too much activity in the brain, it is a lack of activity in certain areas of the brain. One day, I hope science can really find a way to prove if a child is trully add or adhd. I know their is always going to be disbelievers, but maybe the disbeliever have trully never experienced or has never had a child struggle with trying to focus and cant more then a few minutes.

  81. When we lived in S.C., my wife worked in a childrens clinic. She became te clinic's ADD guru, meaning she screened all the kids and decided whether to recommend further examination and medication etc.. There were instances when parents got mad at her for refusing to say a kid had it, though some did have it.
    It is a real "illness" .
    but there is the possibility that it is just a different way of looking at the world. What if it is just a different way of thinking and being?
    Ive said before that i have ADD. There really are some good things about it.
    Like when I was at the paper. I relished the morning deadline time. 50 things going on at once, 20 people trying to talk to me at once, phone ringing, im trying to write a story, layout pages and meet deadline ... and i could easily stop all that and talk to you on the phone about your latest conspiracy ... and go right back to the chaos.
    Lots of people think that is a stressful situation.
    I thought it was fun.
    (what was stressfull was dealing with JR lol.)
    More research needs to be done into whether ADD is even an illness or a bad thing.
    Maybe it is just "different."

  82. Your right JJ, I don't believe it is really a mental illness, could be a simple glitch in brain chemistry, or maybe a different type of personality, that has to be cultivated the right way to ensure successful adults, as I believe we have discussed before. My daughter is 18 and I still love the hyper spurts of energy she still has and yeah she still has to work hard at focusing. I just get really aggravated when people do not think add and adhd exist at all.

  83. she still has to work hard at focusing
    Does she sometimes get hyper focused. I think thats an issue with ADD. Its hard to focus because when you do get focused, theres nothing that can take you off that focus.

  84. Well, that brought this thread to a screeching halt.

  85. well i did move it to its own thread.
    what else is there to say about obama, the pubs, politics etc. ?
    both sides are for their side and against the other side. and that seems to be the only real issue ...
