Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama fallout in Winfield

Here is a story i saw on Newscow.
An evangelist - motivational speaker (who had promised not to make it religious by the way) who was scheduled to speak soon at Winfield High School, has been cancelled.
School officials are saying that some had questioned why they were allowing this guy, when some teachers did not allow Obama to be heard.
Here is the story

This is a sad commentary on our society, and on our political state of affairs, I think.
What do you all think?


  1. This whole thing makes me ill. Both the president and this speaker should have been heard. And the only one that loses is the children.

  2. No kidding. It makes me ill to see the way people are behaving. The text was available several days before and if some of the teachers would have bothered to read it, they would find no political agenda at all.

  3. I suppose it is the school's right to prohibit students from listening or participating in the government, but do student's have rights too?

    In this government of the people, by the people and for the people being able to hear and participate in our government is our foremost right. Even to small children! Equally important, the man we elected to represent us and lead us needs to be heard if we are to support him and he is to support us.

    What are we coming to when schools (public leaders in their own way) censor the messages from our own government? First prayer, now the President, what next?

  4. I agree with the above. I think the whole President speaking to the kids was more of a racial issue than a political issue though. Living here in the "bible belt" it doesn't surprise me. Last time I checked everybody is one of Gods creatures.

  5. The contents of the President's speech was available the day before he gave it (on Labor Day). It was advertised on Friday that it would be available for review on Monday. The suggested cirriculum material was posted on on-line (and sent to principles) a couple of weeks before hand. THIS is what got people riled up in the first place, the suggest cirriculum, because of some suggest White House wording (what can you do to help the President achieve his goal). A week later, a new, revised cirriculum was posted, with different language (what can you do to acheive your educational goals). Two different phrases, in which two totaly different opinions can be concluded. Too late now to do anything about the "live" broadcast, but you can still hear the President on You Tube. Make it a home work assignment.

  6. Oh Boy, it didn't take long for someone to throw out the race card, did it. I got news for you.. being against Obama's socialist agenda does not make anyone racist, it makes us patriots.

    That being said, I had no problem with my kids hearing the speech after the writing project about how they could serve Obama was taken out of it.

  7. more of a racial issue than a political issue though. Living here in the "bible belt" it doesn't surprise me.
    Does this mean you think people in the bible belt are naturally racist?

  8. I wouldn't say naturally racist. I would say sheltered because the majority of the people in the belt are older generations and haven't had as much interaction with other ethnic groups as the younger generations have.

    And I am not throwing out the race card. I don't agree with a lot the President's Health Care Plan, but I do think some type of reform needs to be done.

  9. I think to that poster anyone who didn't vote for Obama is a racist.

  10. Funny how schools across the country that weren't in the 'sheltered bible belt' also weren't showing the speech?????

    Maybe you should rethink your position.
